Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?


*Danny's POV*

I couldn't believe I'd lost her. She was my everything. I'd had a crush on her since we met, and now I was losing her.

I looked up at my Bullet for my Valentine poster that hung above my bed, remembering when she had kissed me. Those were the best seconds of my life, but I had been with Malory back then. I wish we could go back to how we were before.

I regretted starting a new relationship, but I wasn't going to wait for her forever. After a few weeks of her ignoring my calls and messages I had no choice but to give up on her. I loved her, and that meant I had to let her go.

Just, California. It was so far away. What if I never saw her again? I don't think I could stand to lose her again. But it's not like I could just dump Josiphine for a different girl. That wouldn't be fair to her.

Now it was too late to stop her. I remembered her face today, the pain in her eyes when she saw that I'd moved on. I tried to stop her from leaving me. I wanted to explain in person. And just then on the phone, when I'd snapped at her I almost completely blew it.

I didn't want her to leave me, But I couldn't change her mind. If she wanted to go, how could I stop her?

I lay on my bed just absorbing the shocking pain. I was glad I was alone when I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I never cry. She made me cry.

In a way I hated her. I hated that she made me feel this way. But I loved her so much more. She would never understand, espically now that she's seen me. I mean I'm happy now, with Josie, but I'd be happier with her.

These thoughts I couldn't even bare to tell anyone. If anybody found out I'd lose her. I couldn't bare the thought of her leaving. It was just too much for me right now.

I rolled onto my side, turned out the light, and slowly hummed myself to sleep.
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sorry guys... had some writers block