Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?

Running Away

I slammed the snooze button on my clock down, quickly turning it off before my dad had the chance to hear. It was 4 AM and I had to be at the airport for 6, I would barely make it if I didn't leave soon.

I heard a car pull up my driveway and saw my friend, Ashley, waving in the front seat. She had agreed to give me a ride, not knowing I was leaving forever. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs, being careful not to make a lot of noise or bump into anything.

I looked around the house I'd grown up in one last time, and turned the doorknob, and escaped into the silent night.

I got into Ashleys car, and we struck up pointless conversation to pass the time.

"Mary?" she asked halfway through the car ride.

"Huh?" I broke out of my daze and looked at her, seeing concern on her face.

"What's going on? What's wrong? And don't say nothing because I can tell that something's bothering you." She looked at me with a piercing stare, and I almost cracked and told her.

"I can't tell you. Don't worry about it," I said instead.

"Can I help?" I saw genuine concern on her face, but I knew I couldn't let her get involved.

"No. You can't." With that I turned away again, watching the trees pass by outside the window. She didn't try to push me for information, and the rest of the car ride was spent in silence.

I couldn't be more relieved to jump out of the car when we finally reached the airport. I grabbed my bags and gave Ashley a quick hug. Then I turned into the familiar airport and didn't look back.

Boarding the plane was easier than it should have been. I was leaving everything, and more importantly everyone, behind me. I was starting a new life, and I would enter it with my head held high. This was the new start I'd always needed.

The new start I'd never gotten the chance to have. Well this time I wasn't going to blow it.

I slep all the way until we reached the airport, dreaming of my new life, trying to forget my past.

As the wheels of the plane hit the ground I realized I had no plan, but kept my head held high in the sun of southern California.
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just the plane... comments please!!! <3