Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?

Perfect Cali?

When you hear California, you probably think about beaches and tanning and waves. The town my mother lived in had none of the above. It was a very industrial town, and there were few areas that weren't covered in smog, and barely any green. It was almost like a desert, it was so hot and dry.

My mother was happy to see me, and even happier when I told her I was going to move in with her. I was introduced to her boyfriend, Steve, who seemed like a nice guy. He lived in the house with us. It would be weird to have other people in the house, like my half brother, Kevin. He was only 6 years old.

One of the first things I did was buy a new car. I had a lot of money saved up for going back and forth between California and home, but since I was staying here I didn't need it all. I was still careful to not spend all of it though.

The first few weeks staying with my mom were amazing. I went out of town every day, and after about a month I met a guy named Rick, who I started to date shortly after we met. He was tall and good looking, and lived in the town over from mine.

For some reason though, however happy I was here, I couldn't keep my mind from straying back to the place I'd left. Espically Danny.

Whenever I was lonely it was his face that formed in my mind. I considered calling him a few times, but kept deciding against it. I should just leave him to live his life in peace.

I went to the local high school for the rest of my senior year, going to prom with Rick and graduating in the spring. It seemed I could finally be happy.

Or not.

After about a year of dating Rick he started to abuse me. I had no idea what to do, so I just pretending nothing was wrong and let him do what he would.

One night though Rick was over my house and it was late at night. I had snuck him in the window and he started to hit me. He was really loud and when I looked over I saw my stepbrother Kevin in the doorway.

"What's going on?" He asked his question through a yawn.

"Nothing sweety. Go back to bed," I calmly reassured him, but looking at his face I knew he'd seen what was done to me. "Don't worry about me," I added.

As I spoke Rick got up and approached Kevin. I knew I had to stop him so I launched at him. We knocked over a table and heard the crashing of my lamp smashing on the ground.

"GO!" I saud through clenched jaws at Kevin, holding Rick down with all my strength. I knew it wasn't enough though.

I watched Kevin skitter off and a minute later my mom and Steve came rushing in, flicking on all the lights. Steve came in a pulled Rick off me, pinning him against the wall.

"Get. Out." He almost growled the words into Rick's ear, and dropped him to the ground, leaving Rick to crawl away.

"I'm sorry for all this. I'll leave as soon as I can." I starred at the ground. Nobody responding to my words. It was better this way. My year in Cali had been good, but it was time for me to face my fears and go back home.

Good thing I saved some extra money.
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some drama... i have the rest planned out