Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?

Coming Home

I had run away from the past, and all the pain I had endured. All that happened was causing more pain for myself adn those who I loved. I was going back to face my fears now.

I watched out the window on the plane, unable to sleep. Thoughts ran through my head, and I remembered the scenes of Rick the night before. Poor Kevin, I hope he was okay. I looked down at my arms, my long sleeve shirt unable to hide some of the bruises that were left behind.

Then a picture of Danny flashed into my mind. I missed him every day, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to see him again. He had probably moved on from me, if he ever cared in the first place. I remebered the memory of him last time I'd seen him, happy with his girlfriend. He was probably still happy with her.

But I loved him. I couldn't move on. I didn't want to. I missed him so much.

I pushed him out of my mind, afraid to let it wander too far into the impossible.

As the plane landed I grabbed my stuff and walked through the airport towards baggage claim. When I was looking up at a sign for a moment someone bumped into me, walking towards security.

"Sorry," a familiar voice mumbled, about to walk past me when I called out to him.

"Danny!" He turned around when I mentioned his name, his eyes light up, but you could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong?" Concern immediatly crossed my face.

"Nothing anymore." He pulled me into his arms and engulfed me in one of his amazing hugs.

"Ow, Danny," I breathed, pain from the bruises that covered my body enveloping me.

"What happened?" Then he caught sight of my wrist where you could see one of the bruises. He grabbed my arm and pushed up the sleeve, despite how much I tried to pull it away.

"Holy shit Mary. Who did this to you?" He looked angry about someone laying a hand on me.

"Don't worry about it. It's over. I'm here now." I looked down over at him.

He reached out and tucked the hair in my face behind my ear. I tried to stop him but by the time my hand had flown up to my face he had seen the black eye and bruise on the side of my face.

"Who. Did. This?" His voice was low and he was so pissed you could almost see the steam rising off him.

"Danny don't worry about it. I'm home now." Then he reached back, a fist raised, and I flinched back. He punched the brick wall next to me, and I could hear the snap from his knuckles breaking.

I pulled his hand that wasn't now bleeding and ran down the hall to baggage claim. Right away I saw my big black bag, and I dug inside for my first aid kit. I quickly pulled it out and wrapped his hand up as best as I can.

"Give me your car keys," I demanded.

"I'm fine," he got out through teeth clenched in pain.

"Shut up and give me the keys you dumbass. Where's your car?" I rushde towards the exit, gragging him and my bag behind me, while taking the car keys out of his hand.

I quickly located his car and got in to drive off to the hospital. When we got there he leaned over and kissed me very gently. I enjoyed the sensation for a minute then dragged him out and into the emergency room for xrays.

As they took him away I smiled. Maybe life was going to be better now.
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i like this chapter. i had some writers block at the beginning but i think it came out good <3 tell me what u think