‹ Prequel: Fool With Dreams

Dear Diary!

May 4, 2010 (well, technically it’s fifth already)

Dear diary! I met THE most gorgeous man on planet earth today. He has black hair and deep, dark brown eyes. Oh, and an awesomely sexy body. I haven’t seen him really smile yet, so I don’t know about that. I’m sure it must be awesome too. But of course there’s nothing perfect in this fucked up world. He’s arrogant and his ego is the size of a moon. And he seems to hate me, although there’s no reason for that. We just met and he acted like that before we even talked a word. And of course he’s married, and I still have a boyfriend, so no candy for me this time :(

I feel myself strangely safe, considering the fact that I am on a bus with six guys, including the bus driver, I just met a few hours ago, supposedly going to LA. I have always been too cautious and thought my actions carefully through. Now I act opposite to my usual behavior and this alone should trouble me. But I feel like it was the right thing to do. I just can’t understand myself anymore. But everyone keeps saying that you have to take chances, so I’m taking one now. We’ll see where it takes me :)

Oh my god. I’d almost forgot the craziest thing. I also met a ghost today. I call him Jimmy the Dead Guy. He is SUPER AWESOME. He’s the happiest and funniest person I’ve ever met. It’s so sad that he had to die. But he’s sticking around, refusing to leave this world. It made me wonder that is it really possible to just stay here after you die, if you really really want to. If that’s so then why didn’t Kyle stay? Didn’t he want to stay with me?

Anyway, I’m the first person who's able to see Jimmy outside his selected group of friends and family. He’s pretty excited about that. I swear he’ll talk me to death :D