‹ Prequel: Fool With Dreams

Dear Diary!

May 9, 2010

I almost died today. Yep, you heard right. I almost drowned, ALMOST. Thank heavens for Brian because he’s the reason I’m still here.

We went for a boat trip with Matt and all the other guys. Zack wanted to swim and before I could say anything to anyone, Johnny threw me over board. I am so clad that Brian saw the terror on my face and jumped right after me.

So much for trusting my life to Jimmy, he promised to take care of me but obviously failed. I’m not mad at him tho'. I’m not mad at Johnny either, it’s not his fault that he didn’t know. I should have just said to everyone that I can’t swim. Stupid me.

Anyway, when I got over the first shock, I hugged Brian and kissed him to his cheek, to show him how thankful I am and guess what, he smiled at me. I mean REALLY smiled. There was not a smallest trace of that usual hatred and coldness in his eyes. And that plain friendliness took my breath away. It felt like something clicked inside me at that moment. He’ll always be in my heart now, no matter how mean and hateful he will be.

Love is a funny thing, if you learn to love someone, it doesn’t matter how he treats you, you only see that best side of him. And I’m in love. God, how good it feels, to say it after such a long time.

I’m in love :)