My famous last words

I'm not okay

- Frank's POV -

Frank looked out the window a few more times.
A few cars had passed buy and he hoped that one of them would be Gerard who had forgotten where he lived and was turning around.
Or maybe he was a little late.
Yeah he had to be late.

Few more minuets had gone and Frank became more and more irritated.
Where was Gerard ? Why hadn't he called ?

Frank soon got tired of all the waiting so he picked up his phone, dialed Gerard's number and called.

" Hey, where you at bro ? "
" I'm outside your door "
" What door ? I can't see you outside "
" Your bedroom door, where are you ? "
" wait a minuet I'll be right back "
Frank put down the phone on his bed and rushed to the door,opening it where Gerard stood who was about to give up and go home.

" Hey " Frank said calmly
" Hey " Gerard answered " so you've been here all the time huh ? "
" Yeah I was practicing on a new song " Frank said proudly " Gerard your hair it's-- "
" Yeah I know It's blond. I figured that I needed to change after revenge "
" awesome " Frank announced " so do you wanna come in ? " He asked moving a bit
" yes of course " Gerard said entering and closing the door after him.

He sat on the bed beside Frank who was now closing their short phone conversation.

" So what did you want to talk to me about ? "
Gerard understood from the phone conversation that they had the day before that it was something really, extremely important that Frank wanted him to know.
" Yeah about that. You know a few months ago when I had to wear the breathing mask think during the concert ? "
Gerard nodded. He could remember that day like it was yesterday.
Fran's doctor had told him not to play that concert but Frank's wouldn't break that easily.
He played the whole concert with no problems.
" what about that ? " Gerard asked curiously
" well it haven't gotten any better "
" what do you mean ? "
" eh It's not really easy to say this but. I've got cancer "

Gerard froze.
He did nothing. Only had his arms on his lap.