My famous last words

The small things I've kept in my heart

* Frank's POV *

" So what are you going to do ? "
" With what ? "
" The band.. They gotta know "
" Yeah, I figured out that I would tell them eventually "
" So how much time did they give you, or do you have to live ? "
" Maximum two weeks "
" Ow that's not a lot, that's not much time at all "
" I know, and do you know what the worse part is ? "
" No "
" I'm not ready to die yet "
" I know Frankie, nobody is ever ready to die.
They may want to, or they may have to but nobody is really ready to die "
I could feel a few tears falling down onto my cheeks forming a little pond of their own.
" Oh Frankie don't cry "
" I'm not. I just.. I don't wanna leave you "
" I don't want you to either "
Gerard pulled Frank into a hug and held his hand.
He tried as best as he could to comforting Frank and it seemed to help.
Frank put his head a little near Gerard's.
" Frank ? "
" Yes Gerard "
" you remember back there in to old days "
" When exactly ? "
" Back when we used to.. when we used to kiss on stage "
" Yes "
" Did it really mean something to you ? "
" Well.. Well at first it didn't but.. But then.."
" But then what ? "
" Then I fell in love with "
" Really ? "
" Yeah "
" But.. Why didn't you tell me this before ? "
" Because I was afraid how you would react, I was afraid to be rejected "
" Well Frankie, Do you wanna know what I would have answered if you had asked ? "
Frank nodded.
Gerard pulled away from the hug but he wouldn't let Frank's hand go.
He squeezed it a little, looked Frank deeply in the eyes then to inhale.
He then exhaled and moved his face closer to Frank's.
He went closer and closer until their lips finally collided into a magnificent kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually didn't plan this Frerard part but it happened.
Try to make a better chapter some other time.
Thank you for reading :) <3