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Wedding day bliss or my final goodbye kiss?


She walked down the isle a large smile on her face, as her eyes looked through the crowed smiling at the people she knew personally, Yugi, Tea, Serenity, Tristan, and the one she never thought she’d see at her wedding, Kiba, Mokoba, Peguse and even some she didn’t know she’d assume they where friends of Joey’s.

She was a vision in beige as he watched his soon to be wife walk down the isle, her yellow hair was done up in tight curles close to her hear to hold in her veil, while the rest of them feel losely around her face, the way it was all set up gave her face more shape, and her make up had brought out her eyes.

The eyes he’d been in love with for longer then he’d like to count, he was starting to sweat as she kept getting closer and closer, he was nervous today was going to be the end of his life, and the begging of theirs together.

She smiled as she was almost to the stand where he and the preacher waited on her. She’d thought of running about halfway down the isle but she couldn’t do that, she loved this man, and he’d risked so much to save her life, honestly deep down part of her though she owed him something and marrying him was setting them even.

It was a silly thought to have but a thought none the less, she shook her head as she finally took his hand and the ceremony started, she like him had though it was the end for her but the start for them, little did she know she was going to be wrong.

It was over all to soon and she was Miss Wheeler, her and him walked hand and hand back up the isle smiling goofy grins his more broad then hers, when some one tugged at her dress, “Joey can I burrow her please?” Yugi asked once the couple had stopped.

He of course agreed and left his now wife with his very best friend as he waited out side the doors for them, thinking how strange it was to call Mai his wife, and he her husband he’d never even thought she’d have said yes but she had.

She looked at Yugi waiting on him to say something, wondering why he’d stopped her from leaving with Joey. “You’re in grave danger, run away.” He told her only she could sense it wasn’t Yugi warning her but the Pharaoh instead … She was scared now but shoved it in the back of her mind as she headed back out to her husband.

Taking his hand and heading to the reception hall, she didn’t think much of it when his grip on her hand tightened, at first but eventually she could feel her hand starting to break as she tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her. He was smiling a weird and creepy smile one she was sure she’d never seen on his face before.

“Let me go.” She told him with a force as she heard and felt the crunch of her bones breaking a look of pain was twisted on her face. “You should have listened.” He told her letting go and going in with her, both pretending to be happy when in fact she was just scared to be alone with him.

As the night went on she tried to avoid him but he’d found her each time and would send her a smirk or a creepy look in general, finally it was time for their dance and she was swearing bullets when he came up to her, grabbing her forcefully so she’d know he wasn’t playing around as they started to do a slow dance.

Once that was done it was time for the cake, she was dreading this and she should have been, because once he shoved the cake in her face she felt her skin strech and something sharp start to penatrate her left cheek as the warm liqued started to slowly seep out.

It wasn’t just her cheek she could feel this pain in though no it was all over her face the more her face contorted in to a look of horror the harder he shoved the cake, pushing the small shards of glass further in to her skin causing him to smile as he twisted his hand making sure the small shards would be stuck in her skin.

The shards had just barley missed her eyes, but still her vision was blurred as she stumbled around wondering why no one had said anything, why no one was stopping the madness, and why they where clapping as if they where happy.

Happy she was a bleeding mess, happy the man who claimed to love her, had just taken her life, she was losing to much blood it was at a slow rate but from thousands of places at once as she hit the ground, the party still going on as if nothing had happened and the couple where still happy.

Mai sprung up in to a sitting position on her bed sweat pouring from her whole body as she started feeling her face afraid she’d find glass still in her skin. “You okay babe?” Joey asked waking from the movement in the bed they where sharing, “I cant do this.” She told him getting up out of the bed and walking out of their room.

She needed to breath to think dreams always tell you something in a round about way but what could hers have been telling her, was Joey really planning to murder her, or was she just getting cold feet? Either way she was scared not only to get married but of Joey as well.
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Well thats it this is Yugioh fan fiction if you couldn't tell its based on Mai and Joey since I don't get in to a lot of detail with it I'll let you know this takes place right at the end of chapter for and a good while before 5 starts its right after everyone gets their souls back.

Feed back would be amazing