Status: Skiree will return in Skiree: Demon Wars

Skiree: Path of The Dragon

Beast Demon Saga: The Plan

Shatterix and Cara fired everything they could at the beast demon but it just kept getting up and fighting them off. Cara fired explosive tipped arrows at the beast from the ground and Shatterix blasted it with fire from the air. But nothing seemed to be working finally Cara and Shatterix fell back to the compound where Dr. Carion was trying to figure out how to destroy the beast demon before it got too close. He thought for a moment "the beast demon is a being made from the demon lord Snakeion there for Snakeion is the only thing that can control the beast so prohaps if you can hit the spot thats connected to Snakeion he will loss control of the beast and is will be easyer to take down". Shatterix nodded "theres just one problem we got know whats connected to Snakeion". Cara nodded "that thing is like a golem prohaps theres a core in the center of its body if we hit it right then entire thing would calapse but if its not like a golem then well we would be doomed". Dr. Carion looked at his drawling of the beast demon "yes thats it the creature is like a golem it has a core in its chest like a heart thats why its so hard to harm you need to find its weak spot". Shatterix groaned "but why its so huge". Dr. Carion smiled "simple it exspects attacks from the front try getting behind it and attacking". Shatterix nodded "duh it was so simple it stumped us". Cara nodded "so what are we waiting for lets kill this thing already". Shatterix nodded "yeah". Then he ran outside to face the beast demon Cara sighed "male welplings are so reckless". Then she fallowed him firing arrows are the beast useing the smoke to get around it Shatterix did the same and he got behind the beast demon and opened fire nailing it in the back. The demon beast's rocky back broke off revealing a glowing core. Cara smiled "got you". Then she let an arrow fly and blasted the core the beast screamed with pain then fell to the ground and shattered.....
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that seemed too easy dont you all think :)