‹ Prequel: The Beginning
Status: Active

The Promise


The next months flew by quickly and before they new it, it was Christmas at Hogwarts. Snow covered the grounds making it look like a winter wonder land. Everyone was excited for the holidays and couldn't wait to open presents on Christmas. Some people were packing and getting ready to leave for the holidays, while other were helping to decorate or serving detentions for pranks they had pulled. Like Trinity, Lilah, and Bree charming a sprig of mistletoe to follow their grandfather around the whole day prior. Luckily only their grandfather seemed to know who did it and he thought it was quiet funny. The Dumbledore sisters were sitting in the great hall by Harry and Ron playing the muggle game black jack. They were betting the candy the had left from the beginning of the year.
Hermione came into the hall and stopped by Harry and Ron who were playing wiard's chess. "That's absolutley barbaric." Hermione said watching as the queen smashed a knight wither her chair. "That's wizards chess." Ron said smugly. "I see you've packed." Trinity said turning away from her game to look at Hermione. "I see you guys haven't." Hermione said. "It would kinda be pointless to pack when were not leaving the castle, Imean all the work of packing just to have to unpack it right away again." Lilah said looking at Hermione. "Ignore her, she's on her sixth bag of skittles, and were staying as Grandfather has to be here to look over the school." Trinity said hiding her cards as Lilah and Bree tried to see them over her shoulder.
"Hey guys remember that little bond that Grandfather created for us? You do realize I knew you were going to look at my cards right?" Trinity asked. Hermione looked at Trinity quiically. "Oh grandfather accidently hit us with a bond he was practising , we were playing and ran right in front of it and we ended up bounf together so we can all hear each others thoughts and tell what they are going to do if they aren't watching what is going on."Trinity explained to the other three. "And a right pain when your older sister is very good at keeping you out of your mind, and I'm scared I'd get lost if I ventured into Lilah's." Bree said. "Yeah we'd probably be eaten by a man-eating unciorn turned pegasus." Trinity said going back to her game.
Ron shook his head looking at the sister's who were once again playing cards. "Change of plans my parents decided to go to Romania, to visit my brother Charlie." Ron said looking at Hermione. "He's studying dragons there." Ron finished his eyes lighting up."Good you can help Harry then, he's going to go look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione whispered to the others. "We've looked a hundred times." Ron said exasperatedly. "Not in the restricted section." Hermione whispered to the two. "Happy Christmas." Hermione said turning and leaving. "I think were a bad influence on her." Ron said to Harry. "Yes you two are but so are we so no change." Trinity said only cathcing the tail end of the conversation. "I WIN I HAVE THE MOST POINTS." Lilah yelled jumping up and attracting the attention of everyone by waving her 40 point hand around. "Actuall Lilah you don't I win, the point of the game is to get as clos to 21 as possible with the least amount of cards and I did." Bree said taking th candy. "Don't worry you know where she hides it." Trinity said to Lilah with a smile.
* * * *
Christmas came early the next day for those in the Gryffindor tower. The Dumbledore sisters along with Ron were the first ones up. They all sat around the fire excited to open presents. Lilah reached for one but Trinity stopped her. "There aren't any crazy animals in these this year are their?" She asked looking at her deranged sister. "No grandfather wouldn't let me." Lilah said with a huff. After that they went and opened their presents. "We should probably wake up Harry." Bree said motioning to his small stack of presents after they had all but one present opened. "Those are probably from my mum, I said about you guys in the last letter i sent her and she had mentioned something about making you them." Ron said with a blush.
"Harry, Harry wake up." Ron yelled up the stairs. They soon heard the sound of running and Harry was soon standing at the balcony above them. "Happy Christmas guys." He said down to them. "Happy Christmas Harry." They chorused back up. "What are you all wearing?" He asked looking at the sweaters they had on. Ron's was maroon, Lilah's was green, Bree's was blue, and Trinity's wass black. All hand made with the first letter of their name on it. "Oh my mom made it for everyone, it looks like you've got one to." He shouted up to him."I've got presents?" Harry asked. "Yeah." Ron said nodding. Harry rushed down and everyone sat down so that they could watch him open his gifts.
Ther first gift he grabbed was one wrapped in a light blue paper with a string tied aroung it in a bow. There was a small peice of paper on the top that Harry pulled off and read aloud. "Your fatehr left this in my posession before he died, It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." He read to the others who just shrugged. Harry set the note aside before opening the gift to reveal a multicolored cloak. "What is it?" Ron aske looking at it. "It's some sort of cloak." Harry said. "Obviously." Trinity said looking at the two. "Well let's see then put it on." Bree said watching him. Harry pulled around and wrapped it around his shoulders causing everything below his neck to disappear. "Woah." Ron said. "My body's gone." Harry said looking at Ron.
"No I thought my unicorn ate it." Lilah said looking at the two. "I know what that is, it's an invisibilty cloak." Ron said. "I'm invisible?" Harry asked spinning around. "Harry sorry to say this but if you are trying to see yourself while you're invisible it's not going to work." Trinity explained calmly paging through a book she was given. Harry stopped spinning and was now grinning like and idiot. "They're really rare." Ron said. "I wonder who gave it to you." Ron said picking up the note. "There was no name, it just said use it well." Harry said. "Well there may not be a name but I know granfather's handwriting when I see it." Bree said looking at the note. "Use it well, I wonder what that means." Ron said. "Knowing grandfather it means that you will know when the time comes." Lilah said smiling.
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Almost done writing the Soceror's stone part of the story and btw for those who read this it will go through all books and even on to what they do after to make the wizarding world a better place. I already half slips of whats to come written all over the place (I mean literally all over the place). So i hop your enjoy and of course if you comment I'll know so comment and tell me if i'm good bad or just down right terrible.