Status: Inactive at the moment


Rude Awakening

Edward sighed as he watched Bella, Rosalie, Esme, and Alice drive away from the house. Spending eternity together apparently wasn't their cup of tea. They wanted to see the world and meet new people. His brothers and father shifted uncomfortably next to him as they watched the retreating car.

"Well, now we got our own bachelor pad!" Emmett smiled trying to lighten the mood. Edward could tell by his thoughts that he was as unhappy as the rest of them. They all retreated into the house and sat in random places in the living room. They were all silent until the roar of a truck crashed in the background.

"Sounds like my Jeep," Emmett said jumping up. They all walked out and saw a Jeep like Emmett's pull into the driveway. They instantly knew these guests were vampires by their smell. The driver stepped out and Emmett's jaw nearly hit the floor. The girl had waist length golden blonde hair, pale skin like them, golden brown eyes, a slim figure covered by tight skinny jeans, a black tank top, black leather biker jacket, and spiked ankle boots. She snapped on her gum and sized up the boys. Edward could tell there were others in the car, but they stayed seated, as if waiting for this girl to give them an order.

"Turner coven, just moved to town. Wanted to alert the main coven," she nodded politely. Emmett's eyes never strayed from her face, almost like if he blinked she would vanish.

"See something you like?" She winked at him. Emmett chuckled and the other doors of the Jeep opened and three other girls hopped out. They all had golden brown eyes and pale skin. One had dark red shoulder length hair, one had very close cropped black hair, and the final one had shoulder length chestnut brown hair. Edward tried to read the blonde's mind, but it was like she sensed him probing her mind and let her thoughts wander to some crappy rap song.

"I'm Carlisle, these are my sons Jasper, Emmett, and Edward," Carlisle smiled at the girl with black hair.

The blonde glanced between Carlisle and her friend with a knowing glance.

"Alina (black hair), Mia (red hair), Rachel (brown hair), and I'm Liz," she smirked. Emmett smirked and Edward shook his head at the nasty thought that went through his brother's brain.

"So are you all sisters?" Jasper asked tentatively. Rachel turned her eyes to him and smiled softly.

"Yes, not real sisters, well except for Alina and I." Rachel seemed nice, her voice seemed to soothe everyone instantly. Edward met Mia's eyes and felt a flutter in his stomach when she smiled at him. Liz glanced at all of her sisters who were staring at one of the Cullen boys before them. Her mouth pulled into a small smile until she froze and turned to face the forest beside the Cullen household. Edward followed her gaze and recognized huge figure of Jacob Black's wolf form. He and a couple other wolves trotted over to them, but froze when they saw the girls. Liz snarled and Jacob growled back. He took a step forward and Liz tensed. Rachel touched her sisters shoulder but Liz just pushed her away.

Jacob sniffed the air and backed away. But one of the other wolves, a big black and white one, stepped forward snarling. Emmett immediately tensed. Every Cullen knew that Paul was hot headed and wouldn't let things go easily. He snarled and jumped forward, his nose inches from Liz's face. Liz snarled and Paul's chest erupted with snarls. Liz disappeared and everyone looked around confused. A loud roar erupted and Paul fell to the side, Liz's arms around his neck. They rolled around until they separated and stood glaring at each other. Paul was panting, but Liz looked calm and collected. Emmett walked forward and stood next to Liz. Her eyes flashed towards him so quickly Edward almost didn't catch it.

"Paul," a stern voice snapped. Paul turned and saw a tall man with russet skin and black hair walk out of the forest. Liz's eyes widened and so did the boys when he saw Liz.

"Liz?" He asked. A hint of worry and anger was in his voice.

"Sam," she snapped.

"When did you get back?" He asked. Rachel, Mia, and Alina stood next to their sister, their shoulders all touching.

"We'll be leaving," Liz snapped and turned to leave. Emmett gripped her wrist and Sam snarled.

Liz looked back at him and they had a silent conversation with their eyes. Emmett let go of her and she motioned for her sisters to follow her. Edward looked over at Emmett and saw a torn look on his brothers face, it looked like a cross between wanting to follow her and needing to be with his family.

"We'll see you around," Liz almost warned and drove off.

"I can't wait to see her again," Emmett sighed. The others nodded but for very different reasons.
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Sorry if the first chapter sucked, but trust me it will get better, promise. Comment, rate, and subscribe. No silent readers!