Status: Inactive at the moment


First Kiss

Liz walked out of her house and sniffed the night air. Her sisters were in the house waiting for dawn so they could get ready to hunt and then go to school. Liz loved hunting at night, her senses seemed to sharpen. Unlike her sisters Liz wasn't a 'vegetarian'. The day she had met the Cullen's she had worn contacts. She didn't want to scare the boys. The approval of the main coven is what they needed to stay in Forks. Liz walked into town, walking straight for the only club in Forks. She was immediately waved in and walked to the bar.

"Hello pretty lady," a good looking man smiled and sat next to her. She flicked her eyes towards him and smiled. He seemed like he'd make a nice little meal.

"Hi, I'm Raven." Raven was Liz's club alter ego. Raven could get any guy she wanted with a flick of her wrist. Liz on the other hand liked being more reserved. Liz and Raven had been exactly the same some time long ago. That was before she had met Sam though.

Sam had come into her life and Liz thought he was her soul mate. Then Leah entered the picture an he apologized saying he couldn't control who he imprinted on. A few years back she heard that he had ditched Leah for a girl named Emily. She knew Sam never really loved Leah, but deep down she had tried to convince herself that Sam must have felt something for her. Sam was the reason she had started cheating on her diet. Every time she killed she imagined it was Sam. Now she did it for fun. It was fun to watch the men she killed squirm and try to break free.

"You okay?" The guy asked. Liz hadn't realized she was staring into space and her seductive smirk returned.

"Yeah, let's go to your place," she suggested. The guy smiled and led her outside to his car.


Liz sighed as she closed the door to the guys apartment. She had found some of his ex girlfriends old perfume and sprayed herself heavily to rid herself of the smell of blood. Finally deciding she didn't want to go home she started to walk in the forest. Sniffing the air she realized she was behind the Cullen house. She sniffed again and a familiar scent reached her nose. Emmett.

Ever since she had met him she couldn't get him out of her head.

"Hi," a deep voice said from behind her. Liz turned and smiled at the sight of Emmett behind her. He was wearing a black muscle t shirt and formfitting jeans. His black curls framed his pale face and made his golden eyes pop. His angular face drew her in and his lips made her sigh.

"Hey," Liz chuckled.

"What are you doing back here?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets.

"Just walking, you?" She asked putting her hands in her jacket pockets and leaning against a tree.

"Thinking," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"About?" Liz asked walking until she was in front of him. He looked down at her and smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he chuckled.

"Yes I would," she smiled. He sighed and sat on the ground, patting the spot next to him. She sat next to him and he put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. Liz found herself nestling closer to him and heard him chuckle.

"Well, all of our mates left us just before you guys showed up. Kind of broke us as a family," he sighed. Liz looked at his face and he seemed broken, like he was now vulnerable. He looked down and met her gaze. Liz suddenly realized how close his face was to hers. His cool breathe hit her cheek as he leaned down.

"I can relate," she whispered.

"How?" He asked almost angrily. His lips were at her ear and he kissed her earlobe gently. Liz shivered and his free hand went to the small of her back, clenching her shirt in his hand. His other hand tangled in her soft hair.

"Remember how Sam seemed like he knew me?" Emmett growled at the mention of Sam's name and made Liz want him even more.

"Before Leah and Emily it was me," she whispered. Emmett's lips pressed against hers and his hands gripped her tightly. Liz felt herself cling to him, her hands tangling into his hair. His kiss was so gentle and sweet. He was slowly making her forget about Sam. He licked her lip, asking for an entrance. Liz opened her mouth slightly and then remembered what she had done earlier that night and sprang up and away from Emmett.

"What's wrong?" He asked standing up beside her.

"It's me, I have to go," she said quickly and ran off. She couldn't let Emmett know about her diet. She could imagine him finding out. A disgusted look on his face. He would call her an evil monster and never want her again. Maybe it was a mistake to kiss him. She should have just pushed him away. But then she remembered the way his mouth molded perfectly to hers and how he made her forget about Sam completely. Did she love him? No. She couldn't love anyone after Sam.
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So here's the second chapter. Hope you like. I'm going to switch P.O.V's every chapter so you get an insight into everyone else. Comment, rate, and subscribe! No silent readers!