Status: Inactive at the moment



Emmett walked back to his house in a state of shock. His lips were still tingling from the kiss he had with Liz. He still couldn't believe he had done that. He walked into the house, his thoughts all a jumble, which caused Edward to look up from his piano.

"What happened?" Edward asked. Jasper and Carlisle looked up from what they were doing and looked at him with sympathetic faces.

"I um... I kissed Liz," he confessed.

"Good for you," Carlisle smiled.

"At first it was great, but once I tried to take it farther she freaked out and left." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Maybe you went a little too fast," Jasper suggested.

"Liz would've just told me instead of freaking out and running away," Emmett sighed.

"Maybe she's really a bloodthirsty evil vampire and didn't want you to taste the blood she had just ingested," Edward teased. Everyone laughed and went back to what they were doing.

"I'm gonna go check on her just in case," Emmett said and ran off to Liz's house.

He walked up to Liz's house and heard shouting.

"How could you be so stupid!?" Mia's voice yelled.

"Quiet, we have guests," Alina said calmly. The front door opened and Emmett saw Rachel smiling at him.

"Hey, you wanna come in?" She asked. Emmett nodded and walked into the house. Mia and Alina were sitting on the couch and Liz was leaning against the wall, her head hung.

"Hello EMMETT," Alina nearly screamed his name.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really liked this chapter. Sorry if it is really short. Love my first four subscribers! Thank you soooo much! Comment, rate, and subscribe! No silent readers!