(I don't know what to name it...Sorry)

Chapter 1

My hands clenched pure white; I could feel the needle stabbing into my skin. I couldn’t bare the slight of it with the overwhelming pain. Not even in your wildest dreams will you imagine the pain I’m in now. The shot in my arm carried drugs that had powerful medicine that made me extremely drowsy. I knew I was slipping away, into the darkness were my body would take over how long I would sleep. I longed to stay, with him, I just couldn’t leave him. He was the only person I could just talk to and perhaps the only person I could trust in my situation. Leaving him wasn’t an option. I fought as hard as I could to stay. I tried several things, kicking, screaming, but no use came to that. Being tied to a chair didn’t help much either. Immediately, then I fell into a deep sleep, paralyzed. I kept fighting my eyes to stay open and kept saying to my self a bit longer. Just a bit longer. A little bit longer!! But then again I have failed myself and my best friend. Not even I could live with that guilt.
The images in my head of the crystal white room with glistering tiles I was just in kept twirling in my head. Before they started to notice me, I must have counted the tiles about a million times. But the images kept getting less clear and more blurry. Piece by piece they were disappearing from air itself. I began to feel and gain control over my limbs again, and I opened my eyes. I was in a room, almost like a hotel room. It was filled with sunshine. The bed sheets, curtains, drawers, lamp, bedside table, and rug were all baby blue. But the walls, they were extra ordinary. They were white but splashes of red, pink, orange, and yellow in it. They were if you got pails of the colors and just flicked them all over the walls. I almost have even forgotten of my best friend Cypress. I left them in the hands of them, they don’t have a name. I called them my prison guards because they seemed to keep hold of me like I wasn’t allowed to escape. There were always black sunglasses on their faces.
Though, it crept me out immensely, because all of them wearing only white suits with black shades. The ones who drugged me and dragged me into this….well……..this awful place. It’s that awful I don’t even have a name for this place. My body automatically began to scamper around the room examining every inch of this place. I kept running my fingers lightly over everything in the rooms. My mind drifted to the thought of Cypress being dead. Couldn’t bare my life without his smile and the way he always laugh at my little jokes when their not even funny. My fingers found a handle, I don’t know what is but I know I was excited. I could hardly breathe I heard my heart pounding. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat.
I used the limb that’s no awake all the way to open the door, hoping it will wake. But when I pulled it disappointment drowned me, it was a bathroom. I couldn’t give up; it wasn’t a possibility, not until I found Cypress. I had to drag myself onto the bed to lie down. Yet, my thoughts begin to collect together making a puzzle. But then again, things become more complicated for me. I heard Cypress’s voice, “You want me? Come get me! What are you scared of?”
I got frustrated and relieved he’s alright, but I started to think. I ran, searching for an escape. I found a switch to escape, but when I flipped it, it only lead me to an empty white long hallway. I looked around for another switch, two was right beside me. I clicked the one on my right, but it lead to a supply closet. I clicked the other one, and luckily it was Cypress’s. The moment my feet landed in the first five feet of the room I found myself in his arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt safe in his arms like no harm could have come to me. I never wanted to let go, my arms were around his neck and my head on his chest. There was a long pause of silence, I loved it. I could hear and feel him breathing. I remembered how we met; I was walking down Olive branch parkway. I was depressed because my brother, August, just died. It was gloomy and filled with fog. I could barely see but that relaxed me even more. I never realized I was in the middle of the street when the bus came. I didn’t know what to do, I panicked, and I don’t know why I just stood there. But it came out of no where. Then I saw Cypress, with his dark brown hair, pale skin, and the most gorgeous green eyes I’ve ever seen. He jumped in front of the bus to save me though. He didn’t even know me, yet he jumped in front of the bus risking his life for mine. I have no idea, still, why he done that for me. But, then I remember him pushing me out of the way, and saving my life. After the bus almost killing me, it blew up miles away. One person in the explosion survived I guess. Somehow he knew my mom and dad; I learned his name was Ritchy. He told me my parents were dead. I collapsed to ground weeping; Cypress was the only one comforting me in his warm arms. Right then I knew we would be friends for life. He held his hand out to me and I willingly took it. I held his hand all the way to his house, and he told his parent everything. They asked me, “Honey, do have any other family members?”
I told them no and how my brother, age twenty, died yesterday of an airplane accident. My two sisters, Avangline, age fourteen, ran away with a drummer, and Amabelle, age six, died of cancer five years ago. They willingly took me in then and treated me as their own child. I slept on his top bunk bed ever since, we were like brother and sister. When I cried about my deased family he was right there to comfort me. But all this was two years ago and now were in the present and I’m sixteen now. My mind swirled back to where I’m still in the slim body of Cypress.
“Are you ok, hurt anywhere?” he lovingly spoke breaking the lovely silence.
“No, how about you?” I replied examining his body, stopping to daze in his bright green eyes.
“Same just a little shaken.”
I loosened my grip, examining again every piece of his room. Our rooms were very similar, looks like a hotel room. One king sized bed with dark green sheets, bed, and curtains. The walls were exactly the same except for the colors his was blue, light green, purple, and brown. There was a neon green bedside table on the right of the bed and a light green lamp on the left. The carpet was plain caramel, tan. I showed him the escape switch, so I wouldn’t go insane I kept a conversation going with Cypress.
“We need to get out of this place….quick!” I firmly said.
“No duh, genius.” He replied with as much sarcasm as possible.
“Well then, while you’re trying to put on your leotard and ballerina slippers, I’ll be trying to get our sorry butts out of here.” I tried to use the level of sarcasm he did, and not too harsh.
I could see the hurt in his eyes and again I regretted everything I just said. I tried to apologize but he just nudged me off. But instead of going away to lingered in the thought of him hating me I whispered, “Everything’s going to be ok.”
I pulled his energy less body onto the bed, pulled up the dark green silk sheets and sat next to him. I started to sing the lullaby my mom sang to me when I was younger.
I loved that song my mom sung me that song when I went to sleep. I used to be obsessed with that song and I haven’t sung it since my mom died, but it was about time I started to sing it again. I didn’t even know that he was already asleep. His dark brown hair was in his face, were his light green eyes trapping mine whenever ours met. He looked so dazzling when he’s asleep, even more when awake. I saw a clock on the bedside table and it read 1:18 am. I was so exhausted, so I curled up next to Cypress’s feet, like a dog. I dazed off humming the tune in my head. The next thing I knew, Cypress was shaking me saying “Ebony, Ebony, Ebony, Ebony wake up!”
I moaned but kept my eyes shut. Suddenly I heard Cypress getting quiet which was unusual, so I open my eyes. I saw him rummaging through some drawers and cabinets. He got a pair of clothes for the both of us and said, “Well good morning sunshine.” He was shouting and almost blew my head off with his voice.
I responded quieter but as with as much excitement and as awake as he is, “Well, good morning to you too!”
It was nice to have Cypress excited for something and all awake. He is usually was to himself and quiet. The only time he laughs or smiles were when he was with me. Even when he saved my life by jumping in front of a bus for me I didn’t ask him why he did that. Or why he took me to his parents. He could have just left me to die or leave me with Ritchy, or just left me there. He was extremely nice to me when he didn’t need to. He treated me like I was the most important person in the world. We decided to just be friends and after that things went great.
Cypress started to speak, “I guess you’re wondering what I’m doing?”
“That would be it.” I coughed out, but as still as serious as ever.
“Well I took a shower. Then my clothes were gone right after I threw them onto the floor. So I looked around for some clothes to wear and found some. I thought you might want some clothes too.” He replied/
Then it got silent, until I heard a voice coming out of no where saying, “Ebony and Cypress you may now come in the main conference room.”
The silent pause got interrupted by guards barging in. I couldn’t help but search for Cypress’s hand and locked my fingers into his. The eyes were just looking at me, not doing anything yet. Cypress’s face was still and focused, unlike mine, shivering and scared. I could tell he was as scared as I was because his grip was tight. Too tight, it actually hurt my hands. Before I could move, they gripped my arms and literally dragged us into the white hallways. The last words I heard was, “don’t forget.”
But they yanked us apart before he could finish his sentence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes. There are MANY GRAMMICAL ERRORS. Its a draft. And i know it sucks. So yeah, just doing this so Emilee can see what I've been doing. There you go Ems. AND ALSO I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS HIGH OFF SUGAR. SO IT MIGHT NOT EVEN MAKE SENSE. And some things I didn't know really what to say or what the name of it was.... SORRY AGAIN!