
chapter 5- echos

Chapter 5
Josie stood up and ran, she ran for her life in the cold dark tunnel. Running endlessly, she couldn’t stop. Her footsteps echoing on the cold floors, walls and into the dark damp silence of the cave. She didn’t know why. All she knew was if she stopped he would die, like a primal instinct. The shadows moved restlessly.

She had been changing from running to walking for 3 hours, constantly looking back and always frightened out of her wits. All she could think of was Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Where the hell am I? And finally Will I be here forever?

Pain flared through here already weary legs as she stumbled over an out jutted rock and fell onto her torn and wounded knees and palms.
Josie pushed herself back up onto her bleeding and sore feet and started to agonizingly limp through the sinister Tunnels of Despair. The unnecessary pain and torture of a poor girl caused amusement for her shadowy spectator.

Noises echoed around William so much that he couldn’t figure out what direction they we coming from. They sounded so much like some one in pain; more specifically a girl in pain, which by his logic would narrow down to Josie. So William being his natural impulsive self ran down the tunnel straight opposite him. Later he’ll find out what a painful choice at the cross roads this turns out to be…