
Kisses speak louder than words.

He could see her pouring all her energy into find that one text book, her brow furrowed just a tiny bit as the pile of rejected books grew around her. She was fascinating to watch in the solitary library, she was mute apart from the occasional sigh and the turning of paper. Giddiness overcame his body and he managed to stifle a laugh as the feelings of a small child during a game of hide and seek overcame him.

She seemed oblivious of the time, she’d never even glanced down at her wrist to see whether it was time to leave. He’d waited outside huddled underneath the Library’s entrance for about five minutes before deciding to retreat to the warm building instead. The librarian gave him a enquiring look as he shook the off droplets of rain that clung to the strands of his hair, and the noise of him unzipping his coat disturbed her peaceful nirvana.

Without a second though, he followed the signs to the ‘sociology’ section to find her lost in a world of the printed word, her auburn hair hiding her face from the rest of the building like a pair of curtains. He was content watching her go about her ways, he found it cute how she’d always brush that one strand of hair behind her ear, but it’d fall back no matter what.

Unable to wait any longer, he stepped away from his hiding place and grabbed her waist; swung her to face him then silenced her with his mouth before she could break the peace.