Status: This story takes place during season 3 and 4.

Undisclosed Desires


A glossy yearbook page showcased several pairings of teenagers. Square in the middle of the page, below the words ‘Most Likely To Succeed’ was a picture of a messy haired boy with deep blue eyes and a green-eyed blonde with waves to her hair. The caption read Jimmy Novak and Faye Cohen.
With a smile creasing her lips, Faye’s finger hovered over Jimmy’s face. They had known each other since 4th grade. It was during middle school that Faye decided she was madly in love with Jimmy but kept it to herself. By the time she was a sophomore, Faye wrote off her naivety and dated a charismatic prettyboy named Dean Winchester. Unfortunately, Dean barely stayed for a quarter of the schoolyear and by that time Jimmy had started dating Amelia Clearwater.
Frowning, Faye shut the yearbook and released a bitter sigh. “That was the end of that.” She muttered. Now at the respectable ages of 30 and 31, Jimmy and Amelia had been inseparable ever since. Faye cursed Dean Winchester as if it were his fault, although it truly wasn’t.
“You alright Miss?” asked an unfamiliar voice. Suppressing another sigh, Faye glanced up from the cover of the yearbook to the source of the voice. It belonged to a kind-faced male with caramel eyes and light brown hair, slightly shaggy and wavy at the same time. A smirk crossed his lips. “Class reunion?”he guessed.
“Yes actually. Though I’m not sure I’m going. The only person worth ‘re-meeting’, I’ve remained friends…” Faye trailed off, rising from the parkbench. Sometimes she wished that wasn’t true, perhaps she’d be happier if she had lost contact with Jimmy, instead of being one of the recipients of his and Amelia’s Christmas cards.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” the stranger asked causing Faye to stare.
“….WOW. That was blunt.” Faye said with a soft laugh.
“Well I just thought, a pretty girl like you shouldn’t go to a class reunion alone.” He replied with a shrug. “Besides, I always get a kick of observing the high and mighty types.”
“That right? And who are you exactly?” Faye asked.
The smirk remained on his lips as he bowed slightly. “Charlie madam, my name is Charlie.”
Unable to hide her smile, Faye lowered her head in a mimic of his bow. “I’m Faye.”
“And I’m Jimmy.” Greeted Jimmy, practically appearing at her side.
“Ah the boyfriend.” Charlie murmured, studying Jimmy.
Faye opened her mouth but Jimmy spoke, hooking an arm around her shoulders. “That’s right.” He said, staring Charlie down.
Stepping forward, Charlie took Faye’s hand and raised it to his lips. “Pleasure meeting you Faye.” His caramel eyes darted to Jimmy as he pulled back. To Faye’s utter shock, Jimmy planted a firm kiss on the side of her mouth. With a small smirk, Charlie silently walked off.
“What the hell was that?” Faye asked as evenly as she could. Jimmy was still watching Charlie’s retreating back. “Jimmy.” Faye pressed, closing her hand around the wrist of the arm he had knitted around her shoulder.
“It’s a small town Faye, easy to notice when a newcomer is poking around.” Jimmy began. His blue eyes glided to Faye’s green ones. “My God your face is red!” he blurted, unwrapping his arm.
“N-No it isn’t.” Faye stammered, swiftly turning her attention to the forgotten yearbook in her hands.
As Jimmy lifted her chin to examine her face, Faye became lost in his gaze. “Yes, it is. You’re blushing.” He brushed his fingers against her cheek with a small smile.
Growing flustered Faye swatted him away and took a step back. “What do you want Jimmy? I assume you tracked me down for a reason aside from protecting me from a mysterious newbie.”
“Amelia’s pregnant.” Jimmy replied with a blank face.
Faye’s jaw dropped. “What?1 You’re joking right?”
Jimmy shook his head. “We weren’t even trying. Hell I was using protection! But the Lord has blessed us,” Jimmy raised his voice while Faye rolled her eyes. “And as such, I’m going to marry Amelia.”
Staring, Faye’s mouth formed the word “When?”
“Next month.” Jimmy answered. Faye broke eye contact as she felt her heart plunge into her stomach. Jimmy closed the space between them and kissed the top of her head. “Amelia wants you to be her maid-of-honor.”
“I-I couldn’t…” Faye murmured, staring dejectedly at the sidewalk. She closed her eyes as Jimmy raked his hand through her blonde strands of hair.
“Please?” he asked.
“Faye look at me.”
It was the last thing Faye wanted to do, but she did as Jimmy requested. Her green eyes sparkling with tears, met the cloudy blue eyes of Jimmy. Without another word, Jimmy pressed his lips against hers. Through her stunned state, Faye feverishly kissed back. Deepening the kiss Jimmy pulled her closer against him. Hating herself the second she did it, Faye broke away. “The fuck…?” she whispered. She looked at Jimmy for answers but he was studying the ground.
“I’ll always love you.” He said glancing up through his eyelashes. Faye’s mouth opened but no words came out. Pocketing his hands, Jimmy turned and walked away. Faye was still gawking by the time he reached his car.