Status: New ^.^



Death is always around the corner, but often our society gives it inordinate help.
-Carter Burwell

As the Sun danced away from the clouds, Sage rolled out of bed, not even caring about the fact that there were opened chips packet and scattered marbles on the floor. Muttering obscenities, he dragged his lanky body to his computer chair. The chair was rock hard and cold, but he didn’t care - he had to finish the video.

He froze when he heard the metal of a frying pan hit the floor. Sweat formed on his brows as he glanced towards the door and at his base ball bat that was resting next his bed.

He didn’t feel the need to inspect what caused the pan to fall when he heard his kitten meow softly.

Rubbing his tired blue eyes, he sighed softly. College would start up again in a few days and everything would be a mess once again. More work to do, too much homework, and then graduation.

Running a hand through his dark locks, he rummaged through his drawer until his hands touched the cool metal of his camera. Grabbing the small camera, he watched in fascination as the camera’s metal shined in the light. His kitten meowed again and the sweat that had disappeared before formed again.

The kitten stopped and he sighed in anger. “There is no one in the house Sage! Your alone!” He whispered continuously until his heart beat slowed down.

Turning the camera on, he placed it on the shelf directly in front of him, pressing the record button, he placed his hands back on his lap.

“Hey Dad! Okay, so I only have a few minutes to make this video since I have work.” Lie. “Anyways, college is starting in a few days and I’m sort of excited. This year I graduate!” He laughed happily at the thought of being free and being on his own in the world.

He continued to talk until his door knob jiggled softly. His body froze as he glanced at the door knob, when it started opening slowly, he flew back to face the camera.

“D-dad. I-I have to go. I might be late and you know how mad my boss get’s when I’m late," he said, his voice shaking slightly. He could see the man's black shirt and his lips and nose on his camera's metal screen.

He continued to talk, but his hands inched towards the place where his pocket knife was resting. He watched with wide eyes as he took quiet steps towards the base ball bat, and grabbed it.

In the small metal screen, he watched the man walk towards him. Sweat rolled down the side of his face, his heart started thumping loudly, his palms were clammy, and his eyes were filled with fear.

He sat there, paralyzed with fear as the man took more and more steps towards him. Swiftly spinning in his chair, he came face to face with horrible brown eyes and a baseball bat.

August 30th, 2008 was the day Sage Johnson had said goodbye to the world.
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