Save Me, Before I'm Gone Forever.

Jordan is trying to run away from the past, from the abuse of her ex boyfriend. Will she find a new lover in her brothers band or will her past come back and take it all away from her. Can she free herself from the past and truely let herself be happy again?

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Disown- I do not own any members of the Avenged sevenfold or any of their girl friends or any other band/ singer that is in this story. I also want to note that I don't dis like any of the girlfriends but this is a story =)
  1. Chapter 1
    getting away is always the hardest part.
  2. Chapter 2
    sometimes people can't help but to be angry when you let yourself be put threw pain.
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
    Valary tries to be cool and tell Jordan what she lost but thats not going to happen. Matt becomes Jordan's hero once again but she's not going to show it.
  5. chapter 5
  6. Chapter 6
  7. chapter 7
  8. Chapter 8
  9. chapter 9
  10. chapter 10
  11. Chapter 11