Screw the Bride, I Love You

Justin & Ava have been best friends since they were children...

When they went off to two different colleges and moved on with their lives. Of course they kept in touch but she hasn't really seen her best friend in awhile. After they both go home for the summer he drops a bomb on everyone. He wants to marry a girl he met at college before the end of the summer.

Ava feels it is her right as his best friend to save him from making a huge mistake. But the girl he wants to marry is so... vile and arrogant. Justin is to blind to see what really is going on

With the help of friends and her conscience Ava realizes... she does love Justin. But is that enough?
  1. Prologue
    Before present time...
  2. ONE
  3. TWO
  4. THREE
  5. FOUR
  6. FIVE
  7. SIX