A Moonlit ***

The Ongoing Investigation

"Ms. Abrahms we need to know everything. The last time you and Jaime talked, the last phone call she made, everything."
"Alright. The last time Jaime and I talked was yesterday at dinner. She had said something about this guy she had met in the locally owned grocery store . . ."

*Flash back*

"Hey mom, do know this man named Michale, Michale Rubank?"
"Uh-um, no. Why do you ask?"
"I met him today at the Smith's grocery store. Mom, you act as if you're hiding something from me. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Michale Rubank is just a familiar name in these parts. Just, please Jaime, promise me that you will mention this encounterment to anyone of these parts."
"Fine. I won't tell a soul."

"It was an awkward conversation. We didn't talk the rest of the evening."
"Any strange phone calls?"
"There was one. A few nights ago. But I don't understand how it would help the investigation. It was before any of this."
"We need to know everything that has happened in the past week."
"Alright, well it was about midnight, or one in the morning. She was having an argument with someone about the grocery store incident. When I walked into the room she just hung the phone up and told me that it was nothing, just her boyfriend."
"What phone was she using?"
"The upstairs house phone."
"Alright, one moment."
"Yeah, no problem."
"Eric, trace all the calls made from the house phone."
"Yea, I'll get right on it."
"Ms. Abrahms, I'm going to let Detective Benson take you back to the station to wait."
"You don't have to talk to me like I'm five years old, I can understand perfect english."

"Ms. Dransfeld, can you tell me anything about what might of happened?"
"Well you see, this isn't the first murder of it's kind around here."
"Really? Well tell me more."
"About fifteen or twenty years ago a similar murder took place. It just so happens that the victim was my daughter. In the same sequence. My husband, he was a big man so his health wasn't all that good, anyway, my husband had a heart attack. Not just a regular heart attack. The coroner told my daughter and I that he was scared to death. Then about three years later my daughter was murdered, in the same exact way as Ms. Abrahms daughter was killed, a loud "bang" a scream and then blood, everywhere."
"How old did you say your daughter was when she was killed?"
" Just turning twenty one and headed off to college."
"The same exact age Jaime was and she was headed off to college. Thank you Ms. Dransfeld."
"Detective, a few more things. When my daughter died there was no body, and I have reason to believe that Michale Rubank murdered Jaime."
"Why do you say that?"
" After my daughter died Rubank fled the town without notice. Left his store and everything. Oh and he also, in his office, had pictures of my family and I. Mostly of Christina."
"Thank you Ms. Dransfeld. So do you know where I might find Mr. Rubank?"
"You won't. Look all that you want but you won't find him."
"Why not?"
"He doesn't have a record. He was never found after my daughters death. Another thing, he has an alias. I don't know it but that's why the police couldn't find him, he also doesn't have a house. The last place recorded that he lived was here."
"Odd. Thank you very much Ms. Dransfeld. Your help was much appreciated."
"My pleasure detective."

So the investigation continued through the night and still no one could figure out where my body was. No one knew of my plans.