A Maslow Love Story


Mike:"(yn)? You said that you went to Illinois for your brother's job because he's an actor, his name is Nick, right?"
You:"Yup. His name is Nicholas D' Agosto. I also have 2 other brothers named, Jake Gyllenhaal and Garrett Hedlund. They are all actors."
Jared:"Speaking of Garrett, what happened to him the other day?"
You:"His dad kicked him out."
Mike:"So, your brothers are not related to your dad?"
Jared:"No relation at all. (yn) is just related to them because her mom had her brothers before her and before I met her. (yn) is my only daughter."
Shannon:"And...my only neice!"
*you blush and James smiles at you*
James:"Did you guys have a good tour in Europe?"
Shannon:"It was a great experience. We haven't been to Europe or Asia in a while so it was great!"
Jared:"Well said."
You:"Where did you play at again?"
Jared:"Paris, London, Abu Dahabi, Germany, Japan, China, Sweden, Cobra Snake, and a couple other places."
James:"That's rad!"
Mike:"So you and Shannon are in a band together?"
You:"Yes. They are 30 Seconds to Mars. My dad is the lead vocals and rhythm guitar and Shannon is the drummer."
Shannon:"You still planning on touring with us later this year aren't you, (yn)?"
You:"Are you kidding?! Of course!"
Mike:"That's awesome! You sing too?"
You:"Yup! And I will be playing lead guitar in place of losing our bass player. So our other member, Tomo, will replace him and I will replace Tomo."
James:"Dinner's done."
*you help James bring the food to the table*

Once you finish eating dinner, it was 8:30pm and James' dad had to get back home

Mike:"It was nice meeting you, (yn)!. I hope we can do this again!"
You:"That would be great!"
*he hugs you and shakes your dad's and Shannon's hands then leaves*
Shannon:"We should go too, we have a lot of things to do tomorrow."
Jared:"That's another thing! Are you busy at about 7:00pm tomorrow night?"
You:"I don't know why?"
Jared:"The tour manager wants to take some shots for the tour and such."
You:"Cool! I'll text you when I know what's going on tomorrow!"
Shannon:"Ok, I love you!"
You:"Love you too, Shan!"
*he kisses your cheek*
You:"Love you daddy!"
Jared:"I love you too, daughter!"
*he chuckles and hugs you and shakes James' hand*

When they leave, you go upstairs and put on some sweats with a t-shirt and pull your hair up in a bun.

James:"Wow! I've never seen you more beautiful!"
*you smile and kiss him*
James:"Wanna sit outside with me?"
*he leads you outside and grabs a blanked and wraps it around him. you sit on his lap and he wraps it around you too and look up at the stars*
You:"I've never seen a clearer sky. I had so many trees in my yard in Illinois so I couldn't tell how many stars there actually were."
James:"That's one thing I love about LA. I also love that you get to do whatever you want to in your backyard and no one cares."
*you laugh and James stands up and offers you his hand*
James:"Dance with me."

He pulls you close with his hands on your hips and turns on music and "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson plays. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck.. As you dance under the stars, you both talk and steal kisses from each other. At that moment, you truly fell i love with James <3