Gucci Gucci

I never knew if I could face myself to change.
Stop acting like you know me, kid.
You're lost in your head again. --
You were pacing, I was insecure.
I only pretend I know what I'm doing.
Hug the prison I've been living in.

This story is a boyxboy innocent slash. It's rated PG-13 for SOME language, but no dirty smut, scenes. Cupcake Wizard and kai235 own all character's and plot, and if we catch you stealing, we are going to send our junkie unicorns over to your house so they can eat your puny peanut brain, so don't try it. If you don't like boy love, leave this page right now! Click that pretty little back button on your computer screen(:

Title lyrics taken from; Gucci Gucci by Kreayshawn
Description lyrics taken from; Helena Beat by Foster the People
Character pictures taken from; Google. Cupcake Wizard and kai235 do not own them in any way, shape, or form/