Gucci Gucci

One + One + One + One (Jule)

My life, is arithmetic. It used to not be. Damn it, Rory, making me think excessively about my life, and who I am! One plus one, plus one, plus one, plus one. Days that go by, without be speaking up, without me caring. Then it turns to seven days, then it turns into thirty-one days. Oh dear, I wont even think about this going on for 365 days. I could get it over with. But it would be quite heartless to break up with her, when Christmas is around the corner. A bomb for a gift? How lovely...nevermind. Scratch that. But, what would be lovely right now, would be a good old heart to heart conversation with Rory. I am aware that there is no way in Hell, that this will stop me from thinking about Magenta. But apologies are necessary at the moment....even though I didn't do much to him. I shall drive myself to his house alone.


Oh, wow. I look beyond the magnificent gates, and gaze upon a new car. Another car? He bought another car, honestly? But, that's not the point. It is a terrible, old, worn down car. Yeesh, how original does he THINK he is. I see the back of someone's head at the doorstep. He appears to be in curious. That must be his car, actually. The boy turns around, I catch a glimpse of his face. I identify: Ronnie. The door opens, Rory and Ronnie begin what appears to be a classified conversation. I am so stalking them, this is creepy. Before Rory, I was calm, out of the way. Now I'm a stalker. My phone buzzes, it is Magenta. The text message she sent me reads: "I went to your place, but your car is gone. Golly, you never drive that thing,"... "Golly" really Magenta?... "Anyways, are you out for some super secret x-mas shopping for me!?!? LULZ?!?!"
X-mas? LULZ?!?! Super secret shopping? FOR HER. HA! I laugh outloud.

Wait, but I love her.

Nah, I laugh at that to. I look at Ronnie and Rory again. Rory smiles. A thought leaps into my mind. They aren't friends! They don't even respect eachother! How long has it been since he threatened me....oh dear. Instead of telling Magenta directly, he's going to tell Ronnie. Ronnie will spread my secret around, and Magenta will find out by some random guy, or a squeaky teen girl. He wants to knock my life down like a series of dominoes, doesn't he? UGH! Why'd I come here. I speed away, phone buzzing (Magenta is calling...). I wont pick up.

One plus One plus One. I added days that went by, that Rory changed my life. And now, starting today, he begins ruining my days.
♠ ♠ ♠
-Cupcake Wizard.
short chapter. but that's how I roll! C: