Status: Contest Entry. Will be completed by September 30th at the latest.

Avez-vouz Moi Rendre Heureuse ou Misérable?


I smiled at Roméo, my Australian Shepard puppy, as he bounded up to me, over-sized feet slapping against the grass, and a tennis ball clutched in his mouth. It had been a last minute decision, buying Roméo. I didn’t have much money, I was just a student at Ecole de Multimedia et Photographie studying photography. I live in a very small one-bedroom apartment near the campus of the universitaires. It was impractical to buy a dog, but I was lonely. My friends lived elsewhere in Paris and I never got to see them anymore.

However, my best friend, Gérard Durand, was spending the day with me and Roméo at Le Parc de Bercy, one of the few parks in Paris that allows you to let your dog run off-leash. I hadn’t seen him in a while, but I hadn’t realized how much I missed talking to him until he showed up, unannounced, at my door.

Currently, he was complaining about a recent relationship I’d heard nothing of before that had ended only a few days ago. Gérard was a putain homme (man-whore). He slept around all the time and his “relationships” never last more than two months. That didn’t keep him from whining whenever he or his current partner broke off a relationship.

“Je veux dire, elle était une chienne tout le temps, mais elle était grande dans le lit! Mon point est que elle été parfait pour moi!” (I mean, she was a bitch all the time, but she was great in bed! My point is that she was perfect for me!) Gérard exclaimed, throwing his arms about and flicking his wrists dramatically to emphasize his annoyance with the girl – Renée – that had dumped him. I noticed two little old ladies throw Gérard dirty looks at his language, but he flashed them a charming smile and a wink.

They promptly stood and left the area.

I chuckled, taking the damp ball from my slightly neglected puppy and tossing it once again. He yipped happily, chasing the toy as if it were a million dollars. A smile graced my lips. No, I didn’t regret buying in Roméo.

“Mais sérieusement, Henrique! Suis-je le seul qui pense que je suis un attrape?” (But seriously, Henrique! Am I the only one who thinks I’m a catch?)

I laughed at my friend for his undeniable modesty. “Je ne suis pas le seul à poser, Gérard!” (I’m not the one to ask, Gérard!).

We talked for a good two hours, both of us having missed the company of our old friend. Roméo passed out on my lap after about thirty minutes and I just sat petting his soft, dappled fur idly as I conversed with my best friend.

We watched the sunset put a whole new perspective on the Paris skyline. All of the beautifully constructed buildings accented in a way earlier unknown to the lovely Sunday.

I had lived in Paris all my life, but the complete grandeur of the city never ceased to take my breath away.

Soon, however, the stunning sunset was put to utter shame. A creature so beautifully astonishing that she would make the goddess, Aphrodite, weep in envy had passed through my line of sight.

Her long, yellow blonde hair fluttered, caught in the cool breeze. Thin, silky strands danced before her angelically perfect face and a slender, graceful hand reached up and tucked the hair behind a single-pierced ear with an airy, gossamer-like touch. Her skin was just lightly sun-kissed, but it gave her flawless skin a healthy glow. Gentle, muted features gave her beautiful face an innocent, delicate quality. The tight tank top she wore accented her stunningly lovely curves and flat stomach. Dainty, high-heeled feet graced the stone-paved walkway of the park, faultless hips swaying softly with each step. But, oh, those eyes…

Dazzling ocean blue orbs that met my grey irises for merely a second. A second-long glance that caused my heart to stutter and a riot of winged insects in my stomach. Brilliant, stunning, vibrant deep blue doe eyes set elegantly into her porcelain-like perfection of a face. They were filled with a great confidence that told you she knew she was worth something. It was a confidence I found myself coveting as she departed, long strides carrying her awe-inspiring body away.

I wanted to call out to her, but I couldn't seem to speak and she was soon gone. Gérard hadn't noticed I'd stopped listening to him and was still going off about Renée.

It was like she was never there.

I knew I needed to see her again. I just had to. She would be running through my head until I did. Why? I had no idea. It seemed impossible, but she had my heart in a single glance…

…and I wasn’t too sure I wanted her to give it back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo... I feel like this is a completely failed attempt at a song fic. It really is. I tried to put lyrics and stuff in, but it made it sound weird because most of the song is pick-up lines. I feel like I failed writing this chapter, but I think I did my best for the story.


Your eyes are blue like the ocean
And baby I'm lost out at sea
Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me
I've been trying to ask you but I can't seem to speak
Was it love at first sight 'cause I walked by last week.

I'm singing Fa la la la la...

Your lips look so lonely
Would they like to meet mine
You are the one that I've been hoping to find
You're so sweet that you
Put Hersheys out of business
Can I have a photograph to show my friends that
Angels truly exist.

I'm singing Fa la la la la...

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

Is there something in your eye
Oh wait, it's just a sparkle
Can you get a little closer
And help me out a little bit
I scraped my knee fallin' for you
But baby a kiss will do.

I'm singing Fa la la la la la...

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

I'm falling in love
And wouldn't I like to think so
And every night I look at the stars out my window
And I hope I can see
The one that we saw together
It was just you and me and honestly
I'll look for that star forever.

I'm falling in love
And wouldn't I like to think so
And every night I look at the stars out my window
And I hope I can see
The one that we saw together
It was just you and me and honestly
I'll look for that star forever.

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.

You're as cute as a button
The things you do sure are something
Are you running out of breath
From running through my head, all night.