Status: i will try to update every weekend if ppl acctully read this lol

Stereo Hearts


"You could have killed us! You jerk!!" Avery shouted as they walked up to Jessie's car.

"Whatever. Your overeating." Drew rolled her eyes.

"I'm overeating! Drew, sometimes you can be just so....Uggghh!" Avery three her hands in the air and got in the black car, slamming the door behind her, hard.

Jessie flinched at the loud noise, "So I'm guessing y'all got caught."

"Well, yeah. I was trying to lean in closer to hear more clearly and I knocked over a trash can...So then we took off cause they were on our tails, but luckily this guy went the wrong direction and we took that opportunity to get away." Drew explained.

Jessie smirked, " Nice story."

Drew opened the door to get in the car, "I know."

Jessie chuckled as they got in the car.

"You still mad..." Drew nudged Avery's side.

Avery crossed her arms," Yes, yes I am."

Drew grinned, "Sure you are..."

Jessie started up the car and began to drive into the streets of New York City.

Deep in the poor parts of New York City there were two gangs. The Gammas and The Wolfs.
The Gammas ruled the streets by day and The Wolfs ruled by night. The two gangs have been sworn enemies for as long as anyone could remember. They inflicted pain and sometimes even death of each other.

There are various positions in each gang. However, Jessie and Drew were assigned as "messengers"(they just dared Avery, the youngest gang member, to come along) . This is the most dangerous position in a gang. The messengers job is to spy on secret meetings of The Gammas. Most of the time they'd get beaten and injured, but in some cases they'd be killed....

"So what you find out?" Jessie asked from the front seat.

"You know the rules..." Drew teased, "When-"

"You find out new information you share it with the Alpha(leader of the gang) or the Betas(Co-leaders of the gang) first....yada yada. Since when do you follow rules?" Jessie asked.

"Since now....Besides it's some exciting news. I dont wanna ruin it." Drew leaned over and playfully tugged at Jessie's ear, "Too bad I've got somewhere to be tonight." Drew hopped in the front seat.

"Why don't you two just go out already..." Avery muttered.

Drew gave her a look, "Because we don't want to."

Jessie cleared his throat, " Why can't you make it?"

Turning back to Jessie, Drew answered, "Emergency...."

"Of course...." Jessie sighed, " You've been having a lot of those lately...."

"Well, lots of things have been coming up, sorry...." Drew bit her lip, "Can I......."

Jessie glanced at Drew, "Can you what?"

"Can I barrow your car....." Drew chewed at her bottom lip.

"Drew....." Jessie sighed.

"Please!! I have to report the news to the Alpha and go right after! Please Jessie...." Drew gave him the puppy eyes as she rested her hand on his shoulder.

Jessie sighed, "Fine....."

Drew smiled then gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you!!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Jessie muttered, but just couldn't help but smile.


"Damnit Lucky!! We lost em'..." Jenifer hissed.

"Sorry....I thought they went this way..." Lucky ran his hand through his hair.

"Its fine. We can still get em' tonight at the riot...." Jenifer smirked.

"Yeah....about that...." Lucky bit rubbed the back of his head.

"Another emergency..." Jenifer sighed.

"Jenifer I-"

"No! You have to be there tonight! Why do you keep bailing out..." Jenifer got a little angry.

" Why do you care..." Lucky looked in her eyes.

Jenifer took a deep breath, "Lucky....Like I've said before it was just a kiss...It didn't mean anything...." Jenifer tuned around to walk away, "I hope everything is okay....with the emergency and everything..." and with that, Jenifer walked away.

Lucky watched her walk, reminiscing on that night...
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thank you for reading.

Lots of Love
Music Monster <3