Status: ...

Past Shock


I gave my reflection an uninterested and slightly sad smile as I pulled my straightener through my black and blue hair. We were going out tonight for October's Birthday. Happy fucking fifteenth you little bitch, hope you enjoy November's next month. "And then mine." I sighed as I moved onto a new section of hair. Before starting my hair I applied a perfect amount of eyeliner. Not too much so it was ungodly over bearing, but not too little so you couldn't see it. There was a quick rap on my door followed by Mom's voice.

"December, are you almost ready? Your Father and I don't want to be late." She huffed.

"I'm almost ready Mother Dearest." I said sarcastically. "If I'm gonna make you late just go and I'll meet you at Piasco's." I didn't get a reply. To be sure my hair wouldn't begin to wave again I straightened it once more. As I finished, I turned my straightener off and set it down on my vanity. I walked over to my bed where I had set out a folded shirt and pair of jeans. Pulling off the white robe I was wearing, pulled on the jeans, which were a neon pink with black zebra stripes, and then pulled the shirt, which was a black Shane Dawson tee, over my head, careful not to ruin my hair. I walked back over to my vanity and searched through the jewelry box and pulled out my snake bite piercings and some jelly bracelets of random colors. I put my piercings in and pulled on the bracelets before grabbing my phone and iPod.

"December we're leaving. Get down here or you're driving yourself." Dad said through the intercom.

I pressed the button to reply, "I'm on my way down." I slipped on some black flats and hurried down the stairs to where Mom, Dad, and my elven siblings were waiting for me.


We pulled up to Piasco's Little Italy in our limo. Yeah, Dad made us show up in a limo. He's such an ass.

We stepped out of the limo and all twelve of us stood their while Dad went and checked the reservations. This was going to be a suckish dinner not to mention the fact that Mom and Dad were diffidently up to something. Dad came back saying our table was ready and we all followed him and Mom inside to a round deserted table that could seat at the very most twenty people with plenty of elbow room. Apparently I wasn't the only one to notice.

"Mom, why are there so many chairs? I thought my birthday dinner was supposed to be family only?" October asked. For a ten year old she was quite observant.

Mom just laughed and replied, "It will be just wait and take a seat." We did as she said sitting in order by our names: Mom, Dad, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and me, December. I pulled out my iPod and turned it on, stuffing the headphones in my ears.

It couldn't have been more than three minutes (I wasn't even through one Green Day song) when Mom stood up smiling. I didn't care to know who our dinner guests were so I closed my eyes and nodded my head to the beat. Of course that didn't last long because the headphones were ripped from my ears. "What the hell? If you wanted my attention so damn bad you didn't have to rip those outta my ears." I hiss and glared up at Mom who obviously showed somewhat of a mutual feeling from her expression.

"Well, if you would pay more attention I wouldn't have had to. Now come meet our guests." From her smile I knew I should've been scared.

I was the last one sitting at the table now so I had enough room to stand and follow Mom to the crowd at the door. I didn't really care to know who these people were but the dragon bitch said I had to. Love you too Mom.

"December! Darling, you look wonderful. My, my it's been far too long." Some woman broke off from the circle of bodies and rushed toward me. Her strawberry blond hair was streaked gray yet there were few wrinkles on her face that I was guessing botox took care of. She wrapped her arms around my neck then pulled back to look at my face. I thought she was going to cry.

"Um... Who are you again?" This was really creeping me out.

"Maddie Lairender. I used to Babysit you everyday."

"Mrs. Lairender, as in, Zayden Lairender's mom?" If she was who I thought she was, dinner at Picaso's might be impossible after tonight.

"Yes! Oh I'm so glad you remember me. Our plans might not've worked out as well if you didn't..." She continued rambling on and I politely excused myself to push through the crowd until I reached the center where November was standing with three other people.

I immediately recognized Rhys, Maddie's oldest son, by the way he was standing. He always stood somewhere between a chic about to B-slap you and a guy protecting his girlfriend or sister. Yeah, he was always a weird one but he was always nice to me so I didn't really care. He had his blond hair cut short but it worked for him, showing off his beautiful green eyes.

Angelique, Maddie's now ten year old daughter,--the last time I was her she couldn't even hold her head up-- had bleach blond hair pulled up into a side ponytail and was wearing a bright pink tutu. I would have asked why but feared the answer I might have gotten.

Finally I looked at him. He was smiling and joking around with a few of my siblings. His black hair was long and he kept shaking it as if to keep it out of his eyes but it wasn't like he had Justin Bieber's hair. As he talked I saw flashed of silver from his bottom lip. Piercings, I thought. He was wearing some black skinnies and a Black Veil Brides tee.

 March looked up at me and giggled. When she did, his eyes followed and widened when they landed on me. Stare while you can still see asshole. "No way! It's been forever!"

"Who the hell do you think I am?" I asked. Seriously? 'It's been forever'? Did he even recognize me?

"You're Janie right?" He looked confused when I bust out laughing.

"I can't tell you how wrong you are. Janie died in a car accident thee years ago." I rolled my eyes. He obviously hadn't been informed about her death. "Guess again." He just shook his head in confusion and I walked closer. Close enough to touch but with some distance between us. "Mommy says it's because you love me. Do you love me Zayden?"

With that little piece of information his eyes grew wide and he has just enough time to breath the word, "Shit!" Before I brought my arm back and let it snap forward, hitting him in the eye.