Status: ...

Past Shock


"Shit's right asshole. Did you really think I'd forget that? Then you just have to show up here like nothing ever happened and I'm your dead ex. What the fuck is your problem?" I practically yelled. If the owner didn't have a thing for mom I was pretty sure we'd have been kicked out. My hand were balled into fist and he was covering his eye. I'd have been happy to blacken the other one but November grabbed my arms.

"December, calm down. That was then. For all you know he was willing to forgive you." I didn't say anything as he wrestled me to my seat. I only stared daggers at Zayden who was just as happy to return it. This hate would never die until one of us did. Besides, it was his own damn fault. He had it coming. He started this shit and I was happy to end it... or rekindle it. Whichever works. "Damn it December," November growled, "Would you fucking sit still. You hit him once already. Save the rest for when you're not in public."

"Fine!" I spat, glaring at November now. "But don't fucking expect me to talk and be nice to him. He's  tried ruining my life once and I'm not going to fucking let him do it again." My eyes switched back to Zayden who had taken the seat across from me. "I am not that insecure little girl anymore. She dies a log time ago. Don't expect me to run crying."

"We don't, now please be civil for the rest of the night?" November asked. I Didn't answer. No need to. There was no was for me to act entirely civil after seeing him. He had unleashed the beast and it didn't stop until blood was spilled. November was the only person in this family  I could trust. He was the only one that actually cared. "December." He warned.

"Damn it November! Fine! I promise not to rip his fucking throat out tonight!Are you happy now?" I huffed and bit my bottom lip to keep from saying how if Zayden even dared come close to me he'd have no balls.

"Yes." November said as Zayden asked, more like demanded, "You really fucking hate me after all  these years don't you?"

"Gee," I said, my temper was close to snapping again and he better be lucky he was over there with people between the two of us. "I wonder why you'd want to know that? Maybe because you life would depend on it? Why the hell did you come back knowing there was still a high possibility of me being alive?"

"Oh believe me coming back was never my choice. If I had my way I'd never have even come and you'd still be dead to me. And to answer your question once more, you're such an idiot December! How could I like a stupid little bitch like you?" He smiled, his eyes flashing dangerously.

I jumped up to move but November yanked me back down. "God damn it you two! Why can't you just fucking get over that! It was nine years ago. Here's a new start that the two of you have already ruined." He looked at me, "You for punching him," He looked at Zayden, "You for provoking it." He looked to all of our parents. "Are you sure about this. I don't see it ending  well."

"Yes." Mom snapped. "We've made our final decision and we're announcing it tonight. Now, we're all getting over anything we've had against one another and celebrating October's birthday and the good news we have to share later on in the evening." She smiled and sat between Dad and Zayden's mom.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before opening them and pulling out my iPod. I replace the head phones and changed it to Fer Sure by The Medic Droid. I lip synced the words as Dad continued to speak and tapped my foot with the beat. Zayden was eying my warily and November was glaring me warnings. I just smiled at him and continued what I was doing. February was laughing at me with July and March, August, and January were giggling furiously. Some one tapped me on my shoulder and I looked over at September who motions for me to take out my headphones. I took one out and raised an eyebrow.

"Mom wants to know what you're ordering so she gave tell us something. More or less you but what ever." He said, his blue eyed sparkling mischievously.

"You know what she's planning don't you?" He just smiled. "You'll tell me if you ever want to hit puberty." I threatened. That usually did the trick but apparently not this time. Damn, what would get him to squeal?

"Who's to say I haven't already?" He countered and I narrowed my eyes.

"You're voice hasn't gotten much deeper. I may be a girl but I've got plenty of brothers. You haven't hit puberty now spill." I demanded.

"Order and you'll find out." He said and scooted his chair away. His eyes strayed to Angelique and I knew why he was acting that way then. After all, his is eleven.

"Tell me or I'll tell Angelique all about how you're so in love with her. How you dream about her every night and you talk about her in your sleep." I said smiling. His face blanched. Only the part about him liking her was true.

"But that's not true! I don't dream about her!"

"You do unless you tell me."

"Mom's planning to announce your engagement to Zayden!" He said and clamped his hands over his mouth. That was the last straw. I couldn't stand to be here one more minute.

Standing I stomped out of the restaurant and stood there as it began to rain. My hair was sure to ruin and at that point i really didn't care. I was walking home and no one could stop me.