Status: ...

Past Shock


Someone was shaking me when I woke up. November. "What the fuck do you want?" I growled. I was pissed off at everyone and everything. The fact that he even came into my room showed that he had guts.

"Damnit, December, I'm on your side. I don't like this any more than you do but at least I have the maturity to not act like a fucking three year old."He settled himself on the edge of my bed meeting my icy glare with a leveled stare of his own.

I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest and tongued my lip ring. "You didn't answer my question."

"I was sent to retrieve you only because they all know that no matter how pissed you are you won't lash out at me. There are, uh, plans to be made but you have to be there for approval. Like they'll go with your opinion after that little episode earlier but they don't want you any more violent." He looked down to the rumpled sheets of my bed and I stared at the black curtains covering the window.

"Why me? Why him? What point are they trying to prove? What could I have possibly screwed up at that they would choose this as my punnishment?" tears started to leak from the corners of my eyes and November wrapped his arms around me. I collapsed into his embrace and let the tears flow more freely. I knew it was screwing up my makeup but really didn't care at that point. My parents hated me, I was pretty sure I was losing November to them, and my worst enemy was supposed to be my fience. Could my life be any shittier? Apparently.

Zayden chose that moment to walk in one eye darker than the other where I'd decked him. I clenched my jaw and balled my fists before wrestling out of November's gripand tackled the dickhead. "Shit." He mumbled as he rolled the two of us over to that he had me pinned to the floor.

"I'm just gonna let the two of you work this out." November said and headed for the door. Just before closing it he glanced over his shoulder at us. "Oh, and Zayden, if you hurt her again not only with you have her to deal with but myself as well." The door closed.

"November! Get your ass back in here! Damnit!" I struggled to get free of Zayden's grip. I could feel his hot breat on my face which only had me even more ready to get out from under him. When I was wore out and had gotten no where I stopped and looked up at him. "Will you get off of me?"

He shook his hair slightly out of his face revealing bright green eyes. "Depends, are you going to try and inflict pain on me in any way." I just looked at him. "Right, stupid question."

"You think?"

"Will you at least let me explain why I chose to invade your holiest of places before inflicting mortal wounds?"

"Five minutes."

He gave a relieved sigh and and slowly pulled himself off me. I stood and plopped down on my bed, crossing my arms and legs. "Look, okay, I'm sorry. I was seven. What did you expect me to do? You were the girl next door and I sure as hell wasn't about to fall for you.Remember? Girls still had cooties back them." He smiled and I couldn't help but return it.

"Really? Because if I remember correctly you were after Julie. Or at least that was what you were pretending."

"Okay so maybe it was just you that had the cooties. But that's still beside the point. I don't like what they're making us do anymore than you."

"So what do you propse we do. Go along with it and sabatoge their perfect wedding?"

"Um, yeah, actually."

"You know I was kidding right?' I shot up from where I was sitting. "Please tell me you're joking." He looked at his feet. "No fucking way. I'm not putting up with you for that damn long. I can't. Won't! I'd rather die."

"You're acting like you're three you know that right?"

I stopped and looked at him. "That's funny, November said the same thing."

"Yeah well November and I were always good friends. We never lost contact."

"What?" That was news.

"Look, I'm willing to make this work even if it kills me which I'm pretty sure it will." He said. "So, do we have a deal?" He held out his hand.

I looked at it for a long moment before taking it with my own. "Deal."