Status: ...

Past Shock


I woke up slowly, enjoying the half conscience haze. Arms tightened around my waist and I buried my face in Derek's chest. "Good morning." He said groggily. I felt his chest rumble as he spoke. He began playing with my hair which was sure to be waved by now.

"Good morning." I wanted us to stay as we were but my stomach started to grumble. He chuckled and sat up, bringing me with him. I had just enough time to stretch before he pulled me to my feet.

"Come on, I'm almost positive I saw some Count Chocula last night."

"When did you raid my kitchen last night?'

"After you fell asleep which was probably around two." he smiled as I shook my head and took his hand before walking down to the kitchen.

No one was in the kitchen so I hopped up on a counter as Derek proceeded to make me a bowl of my favorite cereal. "You are way too good to me." I said as he handed me the bowl. I gave him a quick kiss before taking a bite.

"Not as good as you are to me." He said as Zayden walked in.

"Well damn," I said. "Moment ruined. Thanks a lot Zayden. By the way why are you here?"

"Your mother insisted we stay here to 'bring the families closer'. Plus she really wants us to quit fighting. Like that will happen with you still being the Queen B."

"Yeah, I love you too dipshit." I ate my cereal in silence for a few moments. The few tinkling noises heard were from Zayden rummaging around in the fridge. I had to admit that if I didn't hate his guts, I might think he was pretty good looking.

"Cember, can I talk to you?" It was January who asked. "You too Zayden?" We glanced at each other before following him out into the hall. I was still eating my cereal.

"Alright short-stop, start talking." I said.

"Why is Derek here? Do Mom and dad know? They've never really approved of him and they will even less now." January said addressing me. He looked at Zayden. "You need to do something about it. Now." Zayden smiles and I really didn't want to know what he had planned. He motioned January forward and whispered in his ear. January nodded quickly and looked at me. "Close your eyes."


"Just do it!" I didn't want to bit I did anyway. That was a huge mistake.A body pressed me against the wall and trapped my legs so I couldn't bring my knee up. I opened my eyes to find Zayden's lips crashing onto mine. I tried to hit him but he caught my wrists and held my hands above my head.

"You know what," I heard January say louder than was necessary, "I'll just leave you two to that." He ran off. I heard something drop in the kitchen.

I tried to push Zayden off but he pressed closer, his mouth working mine open. He pushed his tongue between mine as Derek rounded the corner. "Oh thank god. I'm not the only one!"

Zayden pulled away and released me at that, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. I stayed were I was, staring wide-eyed at Derek. I couldn't believe what he had just said. He was cheating on me. "Derek..." I balled my hands into fists. "How the hell could you?" I stomped toward him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You're cheating on me! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You were just kissing another guy!"

"He forced himself on me."

"Shit. July said no-"

"You're cheating on me with my brother?!" 

"Damn!" I heard Zayden say followed by a laugh.

"Look, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I really didn't."

Me eyes began to water. "Get out. Go." He stepped back slowly before just turning and walking away. The tears started flowing freely then. I didn't care if Zayden saw them because I was far too pissed to care about that. I was about to have one less sibling. "July!"

I heard the chorus of multiple "Oh shit!"s.

"December, whatever you're about to do please don't." November said running down the hall at me.

"Get the fuck out of my business, November." I said and started on my way to July's room.

 "December." November grabbed my arm and I wheeled around. slapping him across the face. The shock of it released my arm and I ran. I didn't go to July's room. Instead I went to mine.

I dropped to my knees in the middle of the floor, curling in on myself and let the hurt and grief consume until I could no longer think straight. I heard someone come in, felt them wrap their arms around me, pick me up, and carry me to the bed. Who it was I couldn't tell you but I know I fell asleep soon after and loved the dreamless trance I was in.


Two Weeks Later

I stayed in my room for two weeks, not talking to anyone and refusing to eat until November forced me to eat. I couldn't believe the betrayals. My boyfriend with my younger brother. I felt like I would be sick every time I thought of it. Mom started planning a bunch of stuff that she claimed she needed help with but I knew she could do on her own. I wouldn't have helped anyway.

School starts in two days and I've done nothing to prepare. I'm seventeen. I can drop out and even though I really don't want to I may just do it anyway.

My door opens and I look up to find Zayden enter the room followed by November. Zayden was carrying a shopping bag and November had luggage bags."Since you decided the world was dead to you," Zayden started. "We took it upon ourselves to do your school shopping for you. Now, would you rather come back to the living and pack or would you rather I take time and do it myself." He gave a mischievous grin. "I'm sure I'd have fun doing that."

"Zayden." November warned.

"Chill, I was joking. There is no way I'd ever touch your sisters lingerie."

I sighed and stood my knees were wobbly and by Bless the Fall tee covered my shorts. My hair was a mess if I ever saw one but I honestly didn't care. "What the hell did you buy me?"

"We figured if it Zayden would wear it so would you. The shirts we know will fit and the pants you'll have to try on but they might." November said.

I dumped the bag on the bed and started flipping through it. Zayden actually has good taste in clothing, I thought and immediately wished I hadn't. That's when I realized what else they had said. "Why would I pack?" I asked slowly.

"Mom is tired of you moping around the house so you're going gto stay with the Lairenders." November said.
