Status: ...

Past Shock


So not what I fucking wanted to do. There was no way I was going to live in the same house as that ass hole. No fucking way. I'd rather die and I knew it but still they insisted so here I was, standing outside the Larinder house waiting for my life to end. My wish never came true. Instead Rhys came out and draggeed me inside. I hadn't seen much of him or Angelique in the time they were at my house. Figures; I hadn't seen much of anyone as it was.

"I know you don't want to go inside because my brother is in there but I'm afraid you have no choice. I don't agree with the descision to wed the two of you only because I know one would die within minutes but please try to go along with it for now." He begged.

"I don't want to. I had a life before he came back and now it's ruined. Everything is ruined." I said trying to hold back tears.

Rhys's arms went around me as he pulled me close. He knew how I felt in a way I guess. I'm sure they would have forced him and November together if November threw that way. I sniffled and looked up at him. "If November were gay, would you marry him."

He looked puzzled for a moment then chuckled. "You're trying to get out of a marriage by using me and your brother?" He rolled his eyes. "I don't know."

I sighed and pulled away from him. I might as well have got it over with. It was then or never so I decided to go with the inevitable though I would have much rather been able to choose never. I picked up one of the bags and placed the string over my head so it rested over my shoulder. The other had wheels so it was easier to lug around. Rhys picked up the last and walked ahead so as to show me where I would be sleeping. I hoped to god it wasn't with Zayden.

It turns out Rhys wasn't sure and my life was fucked even more. Maddie told us exactly where I would be sleeping and where Zayden was as if I would just love to see him.That was more than a little impossible considering I had to stay in his room until winter break. Fuck Me!

I unwillingly followed Rhys up the stairs and down a hall t othe last door on the left. I was closed and music was blaring from the inside. I turned to Rhys. "Do I have to? Isn't there a guest room I could stay in or something?"

"'Fraid not, love. Let me know if you need anything." With that he set my bag down and walked back downstairs.

I muttered a curse and opened the door. Damn, he worked fast. We'd only been here for about half an hour and there was already some random slut in his room. They broke apart when they realized I was standing there.

She had blond hair and was wearing an outfit that barely covered anything. Guess where his hands were! His shirt was discarded on a surprisingly clean floorand her hands were at his jean button. "Shit!" He said and pushed her away as he scrambled for his shirt.

"Who the hell is she?" Blondie asked. I smiled secided to play a little game.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked feigning shock. I looked at Zayden who glared at me with venom. "How the hell could you? I'm your fucking fience and you're cheating on me?"

"You're getting married?" Blondie glared at Zayden.

"Damnit December cut the shit. You know good and fucking well we aren't getting married." He told me. To her he said, "She's a fucking psycho, Lisa, ignore her."

"Wait what?" I said. He screwed me over and I was repaying the favor. "How could you say that Zaydie-Poo?"

Lisa gave me the is-this-bitch-or-real? look and strut out of the room. As she rounded the door I couldn't help but laugh. "How did that fall for your tricks?" I asked.

"She obviously doesn't know me as well as you do. Or think you do that is." He finished pulling his shirt over his head.

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

He walked over to me. We were inches apart. "Things change, December. People change. You think you know me well guess again. You know the old me. The one that would have rather puked than look at you."

"Why Zayden," I said sarcastically. "Are you trying to say that you love me?"

"You wish. Not everyone that's you're hot. Not even your own boyfriend aparently." That was my breaking point. I launched myself at him but he caught me easily and flipped me onto the bed. His body held mine down and I stared up into green pools on emerald. Was it just me or was he just a little attractive right then?

His lean body easily held mine down without me feeling his full weight. His hair hung down just above my face. His lips were damp and his spiderbites twinkled in the late afternoon light. But his eyes held mine throughout that brief evaluation.

"Whoa!" a voice said from the direction of the door. We looked over to see Angelique staring at us wide eyed. "Can we keep everythnig above a PG rating behind closed doors please?"

Zayden sat up so he was straddling my waist and I sat up as much as I could. I cocked an eyebrow at here. "You're ten. What would you know about anything above a PG rating?"

"I know enough to know that was just barely PG-13. Dad wanted me to make sure the two of you weren't killing each other when he saw Lisa storm out. I can see you weren't. I think I'll just go now and leave the two of you to it..." She backed away slowly.

Zayden looked down at me and realized our position. "Shit!" He hopped off me and took residence at a swivvel chair located in front of a desk. I sat up and watched him as he picked at stray strings in the holes of his jeans.

"Would you believe me if I told you I wanted to kiss you just then?" I asked after a moment of awkward silence.

He looked up in surprise and then suspicion. "No. You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding."

"Then you know I haven't changed that much." I stood and left the room to find Rhys.

Rhys was in the kitchen talking on the phone with some one that I assumed was his boyfriend by the way he was talking. I took a seat in one of the stools lined at the breakfast bars. I absentmindedly flipped through a Sports Illustrated while I was waiting on him to finish a conversation I was so glad I wasn't a part of from the bits I caught.

"Sorry. Garret called."

"It's cool. I just wanted to know if there was anyone to watch out for in the neighborhood if I went for a walk."

"No one that I can think of. I'm sure you could tell if some guy is a total creeper though." He smiled and I rolled my eyes and hopped up, closing the magazine.

"Well I would hope I could. I'd be screwed if I couldn't. Oh well, I'll be back in an hour if I don't get lost. If not then I'll need a number to call when I do get lost." I said handing him my phone.

He tapped away for a few minutes before handing it back. "All important numbers are in there including Zayden and Angie's cell numbers. Don't give me that look, you may never know when you'll need it if you'll need it."

"And I really hope I never need it."

"Not according to Angie."

"I'm going to shoot her! I tried to attack him again but he pinned he down, I swear!"

"Sure, whatever you want to tell yourself." I playfully slapped him on the arm before walking out the door and down thr road.