Status: Freash out of the bakery...SO shall we continue? Its up to YOU!

Gone With You

His Risk And His Brother

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"It's weird and odd and I don't know why I'm feeling this way."

"I know why."

"You do?"

"Yup," he said popping the 'p'.


"Well what?"

"Are you going to tell me or act stupid." he said close to loosing his patience.

"Your stupid for not knowing."

"Kevin just spit it out!"

"Because you like her moron!" Kevin responded getting in Leon's face, " You like the fact she's not utterly terrified of you, the fact she has some type of backbone, and of course the fact she's attracted to you. Face it you want her."

"How are you so sure?"

"Wow Leon. Just wow, if you weren't my friend I'd shoot you point blank right now."

"Yeah no doubt you would," Leon responded while patting his friend on the back.

Leon knew he was right, all the odd feelings he was having, the way his heart rate would quicken at the sight of her, but he knew it was wrong.

"Boss would have your head you know."

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Yeah, but I-I don't know what to do. It's all so weird, I mean this hasn't happened before."

"That's because your not a kidnapper Leo, you're a carjacker," Kevin said trying to make him feel better.

"What should I do?" responded Leon a desperate tone in his voice.

Leon knew he was in a rut, but he couldn't help but smile at the thought of her. She was something else in his opinion, he'd never taken quite a liking to women before always preferring to be alone.

His line of work wasn't one many would be to thrilled about. He knew it would be better to leave love out of the equation, he didn't have time for girlfriends since he did start this job at a young age.

But for some reason Melina was changing that, he had no explanation for it. He was feeling emotions he hadn't felt in a very long time, and he found himself not minding one bit.

"Well for starters don't tell anyone," Kevin replied, "Except me, you can trust me." he said winking.

"How do I stop these feelings though, I know how not to get caught, but what about the feelings thing?"

"Well, it seems to me you really like her, maybe you're a little in to deep already." Kevin said pitting his friend.

Leon felt almost at a loss, "No there has to be a way out, I will find it."

"You always do Leon, but if this girl accepts you like this why would you?"

"I doubt she accepts or would accept me, she made it clear she wants nothing from me."

"Well I can't disagree with her she is captive, but that's probably her shield talking." Kevin responded surely.

"Shield?" Leon repeated confused.

"Yeah you know, chicks with their guards up shields whatever. They use them to protect their hearts and what not, don't know when they got a good man in front of them, a man that would do anything for them, a man-"

"Sounds like you have experience with this." Leon cut in.

"Yeah, well maybe I do, maybe I don't, anyway my best advice is to avoid problems with Boss and the girl."

"So I should forget about everything I'm feeling."

Kevin looked at him sadly, "Yeah man, it's not worth it, she's not."

Leon looked away, debating if what his friend just said was true. And he found it was, as mush as it bugged to admit to himself, he couldn't risk problems with his Boss.

As much as he hated to admit it, he did need Emile. Without him who knows if his mom would still be here, but his mothers health came at high cost. He hated that he was good at his job, if that's what you could call it, and he hated that he couldn't leave it.

"But hey," Kevin interrupted his line of thought,


"If it's meant to be, it will happen, not you nor Emile will be able to stop it. But be if it does then be prepared for hell." he patted his back.

"That doesn't make me feel better."

"Wasn't suppose to."

"Your enjoying this aren't you?"

"Well what are friends for? If not to laugh at the others misery."



"Yes boss?" Joaquin quickly made his way to Emile's office.

"I think it's time."

"For the visit?" he responded.

"Yeah, I want you to take a picture as well."

Joaquin smiled mischievously, "What kind of picture?"

"Don't be to mean, I'm sure she still has that bruise on her face. Just take a picture of her face, that way when we send it to Patrick, he will know I mean business."

"Sure thing Boss," he said retreating.

"Oh and Joaquin," Emile called him before he stepped out.


"Make it dramatic, tie her up." he said.

Joaquin nodded his head and proceeded to walk out.

"Joaquin!" he rolled his eyes at his Boss's annoying call, and walked back a few steps, and peeked his head in,


"I changed my mind, make it a bit bloody."

"Sure thing," he replied.

He's been gone for a long time.

I thought to myself, it had been around four hours since Leon left, and It was dark out now.

After he left I walked back to the room I was staying in. I wanted to go talk to Soledad, but he said she didn't know I was actually sleeping here, only that I had a key.

And surprisingly she fell for it. I laid down on the bed, thinking about what he said.

"I wish it were different."

Why? What would be different, if this hadn't happened then I don't think we would have ever met. He's so confusing, I can't help but think there's more to his words.

Could he like me?

I shook my head as to erase that silly thought, it wouldn't work out. I'm sure it wouldn't, how would I even explain him to my parents.

Wait a minute! Why am I even thinking of that scenario!

I don't even like him!

He's- he's ugly!

OK fine, maybe that's a big fat lie, he is far from ugly. He's actually really good looking, and his body is drool worthy.

He is kind of nice, I mean if you take out his sudden anger outbursts. He seems to love his mother a lot, and seems to care for her physically and emotionally. I began to think about the fact he didn't have his dad around anymore, I't must be tough, having to care for your mother with no help. He is sort of on his own.

Oh, great. Now I'm feeling compassion.

I wonder if he has any other family, just then I remembered the photo he was looking at, I got up and slowly walked to the drawer and picked up the frame. It was of two boys, one of them had to be Leon. It looked exactly like him, only this version was smiling widely with two missing front teeth.

I couldn't help but smile, he looked so happy, I noticed his arm was wrapped around a smaller boy. More like a smaller version of him, he looked like him only he had darker eyes. But they had the same smile, I couldn't help but conclude this was his brother, and that maybe something happened to him or he left or something else. He did look at this picture sadly.

There was a lake and a small boat in the picture, he was standing close to the smaller boy, and both were drenched head to toe smiling.

As quick as lightening the frame was snatched from my hand, I must have not noticed when he got back, I was too clouded in my thoughts. I jumped back a little and stared at him surprised.

"Leave it there," he said lowly and placed the frame back.

Someone's in a bad mood, I thought.

I backed away slowly and sat down on the bed never taking my eyes off of him, and neither did he, for a good few second all we did was stare at each other, His expression was void of emotion, he looked just tired and drained.

I noticed small bags forming under his eyes, and my heart clenched, I couldn't help but want to know more about him, help him.

Stop it Melina! Think of your family!

And I did just that, I began to think of my family and how long exactly I had been gone. I thought of how scared they must be, and I couldn't help the tears that came. I looked down at my lap and felt the tears fall slowly.

"He's my brother, my little brother," came his voice in a low whisper.

I didn't look up at him or acknowledge that I heard what he said, but he seemed to continue.

"We had gone camping with my parents, and we went fishing, he had caught one but wasn't strong enough to pull it in so I stepped in. we were both pulling but ended up falling in." he said chuckling. I wanted to laugh, but I didn't, and I still didn't look at him, I didn't want him to see he had an affect on me.

I heard him sigh and then sit next to me, I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was still staring at the photo only I could have sworn he got teary eyed. But maybe it was just my imagination, and then he spoke,

"He died a few years back, he use to love camping together." he said barely above a whisper.

I could tell he wanted to cry, so I looked at him,


He turned to me and looked sadly,

"I just want to go home," I said and started crying again.

I felt him place his hand on my back and start rubbing circles,

"I don't want to loose my family," I piped.

"I know," was all he said.

I turned away to lie down and covered my face with my hands and felt more and more tears surface.

I didn't care if he saw me, I didn't care if I seemed weak and helpless, all I cared about was just going home.

I just want to go home.
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