Status: Freash out of the bakery...SO shall we continue? Its up to YOU!

Gone With You

Downey And Gasoline


Is that Downey?



I breathed in a few more times, and that's what it smelled like. Oddly I liked it , I let myself absorb it just a few moments longer. Then I noticed something under me moving.

Pillows don't move, do they?

I slowly opened my eyes, lifting my head a bit I seen my hand laying upon a very hard surface, a very hard and toned chest better said. I looked up and there laying very much asleep was Leon. Then it hit me that I was laying on top of him, so I rushed up away from him. He didn't stir or move, if I didn't know any better I'd say he was dead.

But if you looked close enough, you could see his chest rising and falling slowly. I stared at him for a bit more, noticing how serene he looked, And yet he also looked beyond tired. I couldn't help the blush that crept on my face,

I can't believe I slept on top of him.

Just the thought made me feel embarrassed. How long had I been sleeping? And when did he even get in here with me?

And then I realized that this was my chance, my one shot to get away. It was the perfect moment when he was most vulnerable, well ok he's asleep, close enough. I slowly slid off the bed, not wanting to wake him. I put on my shoes and looked in a closet for a sweater. I tip toed towards the door, making sure I didn't make a noise. With every step I took towards the door, I would stop and look at Leon.

For some reason the thought of leaving him like this bothered me and I kept pausing. I know I was risking a lot by being caught, perhaps putting my family in more danger. But I needed to get to them, that's what they have witness protection for right? When I reached the door I grabbed the handle and slowly turned it.

I took one last look at him and turned away quickly,

Do it Melina! Just open the door and run.

As I opened the door,


It slammed shut, and I jumped away, feeling my breathe hitch and heart race. I didn't dare look to my right, I closed my eyes tightly.

"Where do you think your going?" his voice was low and husky, he was so close I could feel his hot breathe on my neck.

And then I smelt the gasoline and downey again, and found myself becoming entranced.

"I-I just, was thirsty," I stammered out in a whisper. Turning to him I looked in his eyes, and he seemed to be examining me to see if I was telling the truth. So to the best of my abilities I put on my best 'innocent' look.

And thankfully it worked, next thing I know, he removed his hand from the door and opened it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought you were trying to escape," he replied looking apologetically.

Don't! Don't feel bad!

I kept telling myself, but I was feeling bad for lying to him. I only nodded my head. We both walked out and made our way to the kitchen. I sat down at his kitchen table, and just watched him grab to cups and pour water in them. He placed my cup in front of me and sat down across from me. It was quite, neither of us took initiative to start a conversation.

Good, it's better this way.


OK, I spoke to soon.

I didn't look at him and just kept staring at the table. I heard him sigh,

"Melina, please look at me."

No, don't do it.

I shouldn't, I really shouldn't, I know once I look into those eyes of his I won't be able to look away. He was slowly getting a hold of something in me, something I tried to protect, he was making his way in.

"Melina, please."

And I did, I looked at him. And all I saw was, was, caring eyes.

Wait, caring?

I almost did a double take, his eyes were looking at me tenderly, I couldn't look away. He took my hand and I felt my heart quicken.

"Melina I just-"

He was cut off by a loud knock at the door. And we both jumped startled. His whole demeanor changed, his eyes were no longer soft, they turned hard, his body tensed, and his jaw clenched.

This cannot be good

"Stay here, don't move or speak." he spoke in that same deadly tone from when he took me.

I had a feeling something was wrong.


"What do you want?"

"Now Leon, is that anyway to treat a friend?"

"Joaquin, in your lifetime we will never be friends." Leon responded coldly.

Joaquin smiled, "You know why I'm here."

"I boosted the car already it should show up in the factory in a few more hours."

"Now Leon, let's not play dumb. You know that's not why I'm here."

"Well then?"


"Are you going to let me in?"

He moved out of the way, and Joaquin made his way past him making sure to bump his shoulder in the process. Leon's hand on the door tightened and he tried to relax and not loose his patience.

"So where is she?"

"Why?" Leon eyed him suspiciously.

"Well I'm here to pay her a little visit." was all Joaquin would give him.

He knew better then to trust the man before him, he had done more dirty work for Emile then any other worker. Who knows he may have even killed a couple, Leon had no doubt in his mind.

"Wait in the room over there," Leon said pointing to the room where Melina was sleeping.

"She in there?"

"No, I'll bring her to you."

"Very well," Joaquin responded smiling evilly.


"Now Leon, is that anyway to treat a friend?"

I felt my stomach drop at the voice I heard, I prayed it wasn't who I thought it was.

"So where is she?"

And it was indeed that jerk Joaquin. I began to feel nervous and antsy. And then Leon appeared in my line of vision, with a complex expression on his face he walked towards me. Sticking out his hand to me,

"Come," he said sadly.

"Is Joaquin here?" I asked a little terrified.

He only nodded, I took his hand and squeezed it.

He stopped halfway and turned to me leaning in close to me,

"I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered. I felt a little better but still couldn't help the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Just before we made it to the door he let go of my hand and walked in, and I after.

"Ah, my little spice, how is Leon here caring for you?" Joaquin said, practically drinking me with his eyes. I felt myself shiver in disgust at the way he was looking at me.


"Is Leon treating you well?"

"Yes," I replied curtly.

"Leon!" we all turned towards the noise, it was his mother.

"Leon!" she yelled again, I turned to look at him and he had a painful look on his face. He turned to Joaquin and his face hardened,

"I'll be right back, don't do anything till I come." and left.

And I was left here with Joaquin, who was staring at me in a creepy way. His eyes looked almost lustful and he had his signature smirk. I rolled my eyes at him as he walked closer to me, he stopped just a few inches and reached up to touch my face. I stepped away just before his fingers touched me.

"My, my you are beautiful," the way he said it made me want to throw a bad over myself and hide. He reached his hand again ,when I made to move he grabbed my jaw with great force.

I struggled and he pulled harder, "Stop moving." he spat. And he started stepping closer and then began inching his face towards mine.

It felt as if everything had gone in slow motion, when his lips came within kissing distance I did what anyone in my position would, I kicked him in the groin. He released my jaw, I expected him to fall to the ground groaning in pain.

What I didn't expect was for him to recoil and feel a blow to my face. It was so hard I felt blood fly out my mouth and I fell to the ground. I pulled my hand towards my face and whimpered, there was a bump forming on my cheek. I felt the rush of tears come out and felt excruciating pain in my whole head.

"Don't ever pull something like that again! You hear me!" he snapped.

He held me up by my neck and I scratched at his hands fighting to breathe. I felt heavy and my head started pounding. My breathing became ragged and only got worse, especially when he set me down and hit me again across my face, I flew back and landed on the bed.

I started coughing and gaping for air, I let out a small groan and felt the pain ten fold, I tried to get away but could barely move, after a moment I couldn't see anything and I felt my eyelids get heavy.

"Oh no you don't, wake up!" he said the words flowing out like poison.

"Sit up now," he said again, when I didn't respond I felt his arms grab around my waist roughly hoisting me up in a sitting position. I latched my hands onto his shoulders and squeezed them so hard,

"Oh, I'm sorry did that hurt?" he said mockingly.

"Boss will love this, just what he asked for."

Click, Flash

I closed my eyes as the bright light burned, I opened them and saw more flashes.

After a few more he put the camera away,

"Now for the real fun," he said monstrously.

He grabbed me by my feet and pulled me towards him, and jumped on top of me, this time I couldn't hold it I let out a small yelp.

"Oh by the time I'm done with you -"

"L-Leon!" I said interrupting him, but instead of the loud yell I was hoping for it came out more like a high whisper.

"He can't hear you."

And I felt more tears come out, I truly was helpless and weak.

And then just like that the pressure on me was released.

"You bastard! What the hell are you doing!" it was the most relieving sound I could ever hear.

"Just doing my job," replied Joaquin in a sickly manner.

I looked at them just in time to see Leon punch Joaquin straight in the face. And he went flying and fell to the ground out cold. I laid my head down and tried to breathe.

"Melina?" I heard him whisper, I turned to him my vision blurry barely making out his silhouette.

"Oh Melina," I heard him whisper and touch my face gently, I flinched. "I-I'm so sorry," he sounded devastated.

"It's n-not your f-fault," I barely made out the words.

"Ssh, shh don't talk right now," he said.

"I'll be right back," he said.

"No! p-please don't leave me!" I choked.

The last thing I heard him say was,

"I'll never leave you,"

And my world went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
First I would like to thank you Lovely ones who take the time to comment , Im so happy you are liking this story! Great things are to come, if you like this story you should check out my other on 'Of Love and Broken Toes' I'm sure you'll like that one too its a little different more of a comic light romantic read :}
Thank you for reading and leave me you thoughts so far!
I think I found the perfect guy who is like Leon! BUUUT please dont look at it if you already have your own idea, I'd rather you keep if you want to see it please go to this link at your own risk of destroying your picture of the ever so hot handsome masculine Leon..and its just an idea of what I imagined him to be I fouund someone who fit my mental picture quite well! So proceed with've been warned!
Let me know what you think!