Status: Freash out of the bakery...SO shall we continue? Its up to YOU!

Gone With You


“Boss I got the pictures.”

“Joaquin, it was about time, bring them here.”

Joaquin made his way towards Emile quickly. Emile took the envelope and held it for a while, with a smile on his face as he opened it.

Taking out the pictures, a glint of satisfaction appeared in his dark orbs.

“My, My, Joaquin. You really outdid yourself this time. Their perfect.”

Emile got up from his chair and walked towards Joaquin till he was in front of him,

“That’s some shiner you got there. Wasn’t there a while ago.”

“It’s not important.”

“You sure?”


“Very well then, you may go now.”

“Thanks Boss.” Joaquin bowed his head and slowly made his way out,

“Oh ,Joaquin,”

He halted mid step, “Yes?”

“Get me Patrick’s address would you?”

“Yes, Boss.”


“Woah! Dude he did a number on her!”

“Shh! Would you keep it down, Idiot! You’ll wake her up!” Leon whisper yelled.

Grabbing a small wash cloth and dipping it in water and squeezing it, he patted it over her face gently.

“Don’t you think I know. I wish I would have gotten here sooner, before that scum laid a hand on her.” he sighed sadly and dipped the wash cloth again.

“I saw Joaquin’s face, seems like he got a taste of the iron fist.” His friend replied chuckling a bit.

Leon smiled at the old nickname .

“Seriously, Leo, Joaquin’s face is tore up, looks like it’s going to be like that for a while, how long was he knocked out for?”

“About half an hour.”

“What’d you do when he woke up?”

“Threw him out., obviously” Leon replied angrily.

“You know he’s going to get you back.” Kevin said sitting on Melina’s other side.

Leon stopped for a moment and looked at him, “I know, but I’ll be ready, I’ll take him any time any day.” he said no fear in his tone, and then continued to clean Melina’s face.

“Did you ask him why he did it?”

“Yup.” Leon said popping the ‘p’.

“Well?” Kevin said irritated his friend was mocking him.

“Well what?” Leon replied.

“Cut it Leo, and just tell me!” Kevin shouted, and Melina stirred a bit.

Leon glared at him, “Last time I’m telling you, keep your voice down.” he said lowly.

Kevin rolled his eyes, “Yeah whatever dude.”

“He said he needed to send pictures to her father, as sort of a little boost to getting closer to finding Alto Vito. ”

“Wait, so Emile found -”

“Yes,” Leon replied knowing what he was going to ask.

“And it’s Melina’s-”
“Yes,” Leon said once again knowing what he was going to ask.

“Well I’ll be damned, So her dad is The Patrick Monella ?”

“Yes. But remember he goes by Patrick-”

“Falco, but why?” Kevin finished.

“Falco was their grandmother’s maiden name.”

“Wow, So, Emile Monella’s sneak thief cousin.”


“Does she know?”

“I highly doubt it, After the race, before Patrick ran he said all connection with him was dead.” Leon replied.

“So why kidnap the daughter, why not just go get Alto Vito?”

“We didn’t know it was his daughter remember?”

“Your right, wow who would have thought.” Kevin said amazed at the situation.

“So why doesn’t he just go get what’s his then?”

“Patrick lives in a Equestrian community, but he has another property where he’s keeping it, that’s what Emile wants to find out.”

“How does he know it’s not in that property he’s living in?”

“His Pee on already went to check.”

Kevin chuckled, “When doesn’t Joaquin do what his master asks, he’s worse then a dog.”

“He’ll turn one day, they all do.”

Leon looked at Melina, there was a purple bruise forming under her eye. She had a somewhat big cut on her cheek where her skin must have ripped from the impact of Joaquin’s hand. Leon knew he wore rings which just made his anger flare.

He dabbed her skin as gently he could, moving down her neck he noticed the marks forming on her neck.

“You mad t her or something?” Kevin’s voice cut his concentration. He shook his head a little,

“What? No.” he said confused.

“Well your glaring, at her to be precise.” Kevin eyed him questioningly. “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”

Leon didn’t reply, kept his focus on her, and the many ways he was going to make Joaquin really regret this.

“You’ve fallen for her haven’t you?” Kevin accused.

Leon snapped his gaze on him, “What, of course not! I’m just-just,” he didn’t know how to finish.

“Your in deep sauce Leo.”

Leon sighed, “I know, but I can’t, I couldn’t help it. She’s just, I mean I may not know her well but, I can’t help this feeling Ii got about her.”

“Does she accept you?” Kevin asked.

“Well, she did ask me to stay, that’s gotta mean something right?”

“I don’t know, you have-”

“Ah damn! What time is it?” Leon cut him off.

“Twenty to Three,” Kevin replied looking at his watch.

“Ok, still have time,” Leon looked at Kevin, “I need a big favor.”

Kevin rolled his eyes, “’When don’t you?”

“My mom’s appointment is at Three-Fifteen, could you watch her,” he finished nodding towards Melina.

Kevin stared at him plainly, “Leon you know I hate babysitting.”

“Don’t think of it as babysitting, think of it as. Ok fine it’s babysitting, come on you’re the only one I trust to be alone with her.” Leon said.

“Ok, just cause I know your mom’s appointments are important, how long will you be?”

“No more then two hours,” Leon said, “So?” he looked hopeful.

“Get out of my face already.” Was Kevin’s only response.

“Good looking out man.” Leon said and walked out of the room.



Is what hit me in a wave as I tried to pry my eyes open. I moved a little and couldn’t help the groan that escaped my lips.

“Crap, your up.” came a voice in a not-so-low whisper. And I froze, I felt my whole body tense and my eyes snap open.

I made to sit up but felt a migraine attack, closing my eyes once again I placed my hand on my head and let out another groan. Then I remembered there was someone in the room and blinked them open and looked around.

And I saw a black silhouette, at the moment I figured it was Leon. But when my eyes adjusted I saw someone else’s face. My eyes must have resembled saucers and I felt my heart beat in my head.

He was tall, maybe taller then Leon except he was not as built. He had a more lean body. He had shaggy black hair, and a fair skin tone. His eyes were dark but didn’t look cruel, as a matter of fact, he was staring at me looking a little terrified.

That made me chuckle, and he titled his head a bit.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, the way his face looked made me chuckle more, his eyebrows were furrowed and he was biting the inside of his cheek. All fear suddenly left, and I had a feeling he wasn’t a bad guy.

“Nothing,” I quipped after I sobered up from my chuckles.

He walked closer and sat at the edge of the bed, we started at each other waiting for one of us to speak.

“Where’s Leon?” I spoke up.

“He took his mom to get her Itravenous Therapy.”

I stared at him confused.

“You know for her Crohn’s Disease.” he added.

“Crohn’s Disease?” I felt my heart drop, so that’s what his mom had and why she was always hurting.

I’ve heard of it before, and it was horrible, people have told me it’s a very painful disease.

He looked surprised and a little scared, “Leon didn’t tell you?”

I shook my head, “No.”

“I just would have thought since he likes-” he stopped himself, “I mean since, you’ve been here for a while.” he finished.

“That’s terrible, I feel so bad for his mother, such a sweet person.” I said.

“Could you maybe, not tell him I told you Melina?” he said.

“Ok,” I agreed. Maybe I wasn’t suppose to know.

“Hey, you know my name but I don‘t know yours,” I said changing the subject.

His face no longer looked tense or skeptic, he brightened up and smiled, sticking his hand towards me, “I’m Kevin.”

“Nice to meet you,” I shook his hand. “So who are you exactly Kevin?”

“I’m Leon’s wingman, right hand, better side, other half, you know best friend.” He finished smiling, he’s kind of cute.

I smiled in return, “How old are you?”

“What do you think?”

“23?” I guessed.

He scoffed, “I’ll have you know Miss Falco, I am 24 and a half.”

Could have fooled me.

“You look much younger.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” he said.

“Do you know when I get to go home?” I asked hopeful.

He looked down sadly, “Not anytime soon.”

I looked away.

“Hey,” he said and waited for me to look his way.

“You want some soup or something? Leon says you’ve been out for a while.”

Now that I think of it I am a little hungry. I nodded my head at him in response.

“Ok you wait here, I’ll bring it to you.” he said and got up and left.

I laid my head down, I touched the side of my face and flinched, it stung really bad. A part of me couldn’t wait to get out of here, yet another part felt like it wanted to stay.


Remembering Leon and how he stayed with me and saved me, just made something in my stir. It was a good feeling.

Oh no, I think I’m starting to like him. Or I think I already do[/]

A while later Kevin reentered the room with a bowl and crackers in his hands. He slowly placed it on the nightstand and sat down close to me. I tried to sit up but felt so weak, then I felt his hands on my waist and he hoisted me up gently. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped my lips when he touched the bruises that must be there.

“Sorry,” he whispered.

He took the spoon in the soup, with a shaky hand brought it near my mouth, but I didn’t open it.

“Come on open up,” he said.

“I can feed myself you know,” I replied.

“I know, but I can tell your in pain right now, I know you wish it was Leon feeding you, but for the meantime it’s going to be me so open up.” he finished.

I felt my face grow extremely hot.

I did not wish it was Leon instead of him! Ok…maybe a little bit. Ugh!

“Ha! Made you blush!,” Kevin cheered.

I only glared at him, but then obliged and accepted a mouthful.

“So you like Leo?”

And I splattered the soup in my mouth all over his face, and felt completely embarrassed.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” he replied taking a nearby washcloth and wiping his face.

“Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Please, please forgive me!” I rushed out.

Kevin put his hand up as to stop me from going on, “It’s ok, my fault for asking you that when the answer is obvious.”

“What? No, I don’t. what do you mean?”

“Can I ask you something?” he said.


“If Leon, hadn’t kidnapped you, would you have liked him?”

I thought for a second.

“I wouldn’t have met him though.” I concluded.

“Do you like him?”

I hesitated for a moment. “I’m not sure, it’s complicated.”

“Are you attracted to him?”

I felt my face get hot.

“Your blush is answer enough,” he smiled.

And I probably did the most childish thing, I stuck my tongue out at him.

He chuckled, “Your good for him.”

And I couldn’t help the feeling that washed over me when he said that.

It was a good one.
♠ ♠ ♠
OOOH! The PLOT thickens!! SOOOOO I REALLYYYY want to know what you guys think! Aw Kevin is so sweet and cute and adorable and I just LOVE him! BUT no worries this is strictly Leon/ Melina no love triangles! So leave me your comments and thoughts and thanks for reading you guys are friken awesome!!!!
Check out the guy i think fits Leon's description to the T!!!!! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!