Status: Freash out of the bakery...SO shall we continue? Its up to YOU!

Gone With You

My Alec, My Frenchie


That’s what I was met with when I opened my eyes.

I was lying on something hard, something hard and wet. I felt my legs begin to chafe against my jeans.

I made to sit up, but something was holding me back. I was struggling to keep myself calm, there was complete and utter darkness. My eyes searched and searched for a least bit of light, but there was nothing. I tried to calm down and breathe, and use my other senses, so I quit trying to sit up and laid my head back down.

Once my breathing was controlled I closed my eyes, and remained still. I concentrated on what I could hear.





There was water dripping from most likely a faucet, and it wasn’t to far away.

Maybe I’m in a bathroom, a bathroom with no window?

I listened closely again.

And I sucked in a breathe, there were footsteps.

And they were coming closer.

The sound of a door being unlocked could be heard, the handle turned, and I saw light. Bright light flashing straight forward, and only highlighting a flight of stairs.




Someone was coming down the stairs. I immediately closed my eyes and played asleep.


They turned on a light, and I could hear them walk toward me. The person was now hovering over me, I could feel their breathe on my neck. I felt pressure on my chest, I almost squirmed but controlled myself.

The pressure disappeared and I heard the person let out a sigh.

“Thank goodness your still alive.” came a soft voice. It wasn’t hard to tell it was feminine. At that moment I almost opened my eyes, but ruled against it, what if she was dangerous?


“Frenchie where are you!”

The voice was rough like gravel, and deep.

“Down here sir.” Frenchie, I’m guessing, responded quickly.

Heavy pounding footsteps where coming down the stairs now.

“Frenchie, I told you to stay out of the basement, it does not need cleaning for now.”

“Alec, who is this gal here?”

“She’s someone with a debt Frenchie, now go on back up, we don’t want Boss to see you.”

“She’s to remain here till he gives orders on the matter.”

“Alec, can’t we help her? She looks no older then 22, what sort of debt could this gal be in to deserve such treatment?”

Someone sighed.

“Just leave it.”

“But Alec, she’s tied and unconscious,” she said.

“Look Frenchie we have to go, if Boss finds us here together, he will find out.”

“I don’t care Alec, I don’t wish to hide anymore.”

“Please Frenchie, let’s go. I can’t afford to loose you, not now.”

She sighed this time.

“Fine.” and I heard the light flicker, and the light was off.

Their footsteps could be heard, and the sound disappeared up the stairs.

And I was back to square one, only this time with a boat load of more questions.

Even in this predicament, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Frenchie and Alec, they sounded like they really cared for each other. Frenchie must be the housekeeper and Alec one of this Boss’ workers.

Time passed and I was still here in the dark, I’m not afraid of the dark, but it’s still unnerving. I thought of my family and wondered,

How long have I been gone now?

How long was I out?

Are they ok?

My eyelids began to feel heavy, I fought to keep my eyes open but the sleep was winning. And no sooner I fell into a deep slumber.


“What do you mean you can’t do anything!”

“Sir, I didn’t say that, I said the person has to be missing for 24 hours before you can file a report.”

“She isn’t missing! She was kidnapped!”

“Are you sure she didn’t just leave on her own accord? She is 21.”


“We were all coming back to the car from getting ice cream, till some damn nut came and stole my money and then kidnapped my daughter!”

“Sir, please calm down.”

“Calm down? Calm down! How can you say that? She’s been taken! You have to do something!”

“Sir if you keep yelling I will not help you.”

“So as I said before, Please Calm Down.”

“Patrick, please calm down and listen to the officer.” said Katrina, his wife.

“I just want my baby back Kat, I want her back with us,” he said while running out of breathe and collapsing on his knees.

Katrina quickly dropped to the floor with him, feeling just as much anguish and anxiousness as her husband. She wrapped her arms around him, she felt wetness against her shirt and knew her husband was crying. She hugged him tighter, while she cried too.

I hope she’s ok
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww ENTER:Frenchie and Alec, will they be a big part in this story? hmmm maybe. And aww so sad about Patrick and Katrina. So what's in store for the next chapter?...I'm thinking the Capture meets her Predator? Or wait...meets "The Boss" ooooh wonder how that's gonna work.
Anyways thanks for subscribing and let me know what you think!! so comment please!