Bleeding Tears, Crying Blood

Chapter 12

Leroy remained perfectly still as I cleaned his wounds in Wolfram’s large bathroom. He sat on the chair Wolfram brought him, stiff and silent. He didn’t even wince when I wiped away the blood that covered his face, neck and hands. I took my time in cleaning the wounds and observing the damage Fred had done to him. By the numerous bruises on his stomach and back, I guessed he had used him as a punching bag. The cuts worried me. They were small and numerous, mostly around the right side of his face and neck. I even found bits of glass lodged in the wounds. It looked as though he had been thrown into a mirror or window. I was surprised no bones had been broken.

I didn’t say a word to him as I cleaned him. Stony silence filled the room until, as I cleaned away the bloodied wool, I heard him begin to slide. My body moved sharply, grabbing his shoulder and chest, stopping him from falling off the chair. I held him still for a moment, watching his face in concern. He was simply asleep. Exhaustion had claimed him. He had been through much tonight and it was way beyond midnight so I wasn’t too surprised.

Wolfram stepped inside, having been listening and waiting just beyond the door.

“I’ll put him in a spare room and let you Branch know he won’t be going anywhere tonight.” He instructed.

I just nodded and watched as Wolfram carried Leroy from the bathroom. I trailed after him silently, holding White closely to my chest and observing Wolfram as he placed him on one of the numerous empty beds in his large house. Wolfram opened the window a little to air the musty room.

“You can watch over him first.” He said as he made for the door. “I’ll come back in an hour.”

I smiled weakly in thanks, pleased he knew and respected that I wanted to take care of my new friend. He left and I sat in the sheet covered chair by the window.

I closed my eyes lightly, enjoying the slight breeze flowing in through the window. My ears listened carefully to Leroy’s heart and breathing. It remained heavy and steady. That comforted me. His physical appearance wasn’t exactly a comfort for his health at the moment. He was covered in bruises, had a black-eye and his lips her split. If he was awake, I knew he would feel pain. I was thankful he was sleeping so well.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed before sleep began to creep up on me. I doubted it wasn’t long. I wasn’t used to staying up this late and today had been quite emotional. Before I knew it I was lying on my bed. Dawn had passed me by and the afternoon was nearing.

I sat up and blinked heavily at the window staring at me. Light streamed in through the grimy glass and the curtains twitched with the slight breeze. I glanced about and frowned a little when I saw White, limp and lifeless on my pillow. He wasn’t here yet. That in a way made me relieved. I didn’t quite know how I was going to explain to him that not only had I purposely sought out what was bothering Leroy but I had declared that my Clan was to guard him. He wasn’t going to be happy with me when he specifically told me not to look into Leroy’s family situation. And now I said I was guarding him. It was just going make things difficult with my current problem. White wasn’t going to be pleased with it. I didn’t like it when he was angry.

I picked him up then wondered back to the room Wolfram had put Leroy in. The door whined when I pushed it open and slipped inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. My ears had already told me he still slept so I didn’t expect any response from him. Putting White on the chair I had used last night, I briefly observed my charge and his wounds.

By the looks of things, they were healing okay. The larger wounds had stopped bleeding and begun to heal and the bruises, which were a violent purple last night, had turned into a mild yellow colour. I guessed his healing capabilities were the only vampiric trait he had. While not as fast nor as potent as a true vampire was still better than any human. It made his body tougher. I was pleased about that. His sleep also appeared to be normal.

I sighed heavily then stiffened when I sensed someone approaching the house. It felt human but the fact it felt too human made it odd. However it was someone I recognise so I took White and trundled downstairs.

The stone was cold against my feet as I padded across the hall to the great doors. Pulling it open, I stood on the wonky steps and watched the iron-gate, waiting for them to approach. I gave a small wave when Kenny finally appeared, a little breathless from the long walk but he still retained an enraged scowl.

“Alma.” He called as he approached me in an almost threatening manner. “Where’s Leroy?”

I pointed to the open door behind me. “He is inside. Currently he sleeps though.”

He looked a little relieved. “What happened?”

I shrugged my small shoulders lightly. “I don’t know. All I know is that he was in danger. I came and took him away from it.” I replied. My tone tightened a little as I remembered the state I found him in. “He will not be returning there again.”

Kenny stared in surprise then stuttered a little. “What about his mother? She was the only reason he stayed.”

“My cousins are caring for her currently.” I told him then watched him as relief intensified. “You know his story, don’t you?”

A guarded expression took over. “I do. Leroy hasn’t told you?”

I shook my head. “He hasn’t. I doubt he will speak of it for a while.”

He rubbed the back of his head and sighed heavily. “I can get him to tell you. You did get him out that house.”

I nodded then closed my eyes as my ears picked up movement. “He is awake now. Come with me.”

Kenny did as he was told without argument. I guided him to Leroy’s room and let him enter first. I listened as Leroy demanded why he was here and Kenny enveloped him with a warm welcome. Once they had finished, I slipped inside, holding White in front of me in an almost shield like manner.

Leroy, how was sitting on his bed, clutching his side, glared at me briefly then looked away.

“Your wounds are healing well.” I stated.

“They always do.” He replied stiffly.

Kenny kneeled down next to him, forcing Leroy to look at him. “Alma says she’s not letting you go back.”

“I have to.”

“You don’t. Your mother is out that house now. She’s safe.”

“She’s not safe with anyone related to her.” He snapped.

I fidgeted slightly then stiffened and glanced down at the small rabbit I held. I felt him inflate with life and mobility. White was waking up.

“What? I thought you liked Alma.” Kenny said in confusion.

“That was until she declared she was a vampire and so was I.”

Kenny looked taken aback and gave me a wary glance. “That so?”

“So I am taking my mother back and going back. At least we won’t be harassed by some mentally unstable family.” Leroy snarled.

My wasn’t really listening to him. All I knew was that Leroy was speaking savagely towards me and that White was hearing every word that was being said. He was being eerily quiet. I glanced up sharply when I heard Leroy stand up. He glowered at me with Kenny standing behind him, a little confused as to what was going on exactly.

“I’m going home, Alma, and you’re going to leave me alone. I don’t want you near me again.”

I heard him this time. His words stung me. He was my friend, someone in need of my guidance and protection, but he would much rather return to his abusive guardian than have my help.

Leroy moved to push my aside but White reacted instantly. It was as if sensing my pain was a trigger to his anger. All of a sudden the room was cold and a powerful, dominating presence filled the room. The windows shattered and the mirror cracked as ice began to form over its surface. White’s rage ran deep. I could feel it to the core and it frightened me.

An invisible presence pushed Leroy back, knocking him to the floor.

“No one speaks to Alma like that.” White’s true voice snarled in the frozen room.

Leroy was at first completely terrified but courage rose rapidly. “I speak to her how I want. She’s the one who betrayed me.” He said angrily to the air.

White grew even more irritated. The mirrors shattered. “Alma never betrayed you. She is fond of you. She even went against my back to try and keep you safe. Now you are bound to her until she deems otherwise. You have no choice in the matter.” White said.

Leroy scowled. “I’m not bound to her!”

An animalistic growl thundered about the room. “She has declared that you are guarded by her Clan. As the daughter of the Head, it is her job to watch over you. Accept it. It will make everyone’s lives easier.”

Leroy continued to look defiant until Wolfram came bursting into the room, gun out, and White’s presence vanished from existence. Warmth bustled into the icy room. Kenny and Leroy stared at Wolfram’s furious scowl as his gaze turned from each of them until it fixed onto White, whom was clutched tightly to my chest and giving off an innocent aura. He gave me a hard look. I flinched visibly. His trust in White was dwindling, I knew.

“What is going on here?”

“I was going home.” Leroy stated firmly.

“No. You’re going to get yourself showered so I can take you to your mother. She will need waking.”

“I’m not-“

“Stop being a stubborn child and do as you’re told. Alma has been kind enough to give you a place to stay. You can at least have the manners in thanking her and taking it.” Wolfram said irritably.

“I am not taking anything from her.” Leroy said stubbornly.

“Leroy. Just take it.” Kenny said softly.

Leroy turned on him, giving him a shocked expression. “You agree with them?”

Kenny shrugged. “I don’t know about the vampire thing but Alma is kind. Besides, anywhere is better than that place.”

Leroy was mute from shock in the revelation of where Kenny sided. Wolfram took advantage of it.

“Get dressed and come downstairs in ten minutes. I have other things I need to do today.” His gaze flicked over Leroy’s bruises and wounds. “I take it you’re better as you’re standing up and shouting at the world.”

Leroy flushed red from both anger and embarrassment. “I am.” He said stiffly.

Wolfram smiled thinly. “Good.” He turned his gaze on me. “I want to have words with you later. And White.”

I remained blank in my expression as he turned and left. Leroy scowled at me but did as Wolfram ordered and vanished into the bathroom next door. I was a bit amused at how Leroy was able to take White’s presence in his stride. Only one with the blood of our kind would be unimpressed by the bodiless presence of White. It was only natural they were tuned to sense one of their own and not feel threatened.

I looked up at Kenny and smiled softly. “Thank you for convincing him.”

Kenny laughed softly. “As I said, anywhere is better than with Freddie.”

“Do you wish to come with us?”

Kenny nodded. “I would. Someone needs to keep him in control.”

I bowed in thanks then turned and left the room to organise myself but I couldn’t help but feel a little unnerved at the expression Kenny’s face took as I turned from him. It was as if he was recognising me for the first time and not liking what he saw in the slightest. As if he was staring at the most hated person in his life.
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Not sure if there will be a monday update next week due to it being Christmas and all. Might not have time to write it. Have so much to do this week ;_;