Status: DONE

I'll Keep You A Daydream Away.

Playing Cupid.

“So then Jack trips and falls flat on his face on stage. Best. Thing. Ever.” Alex managed to choke out as the rest of the group laughed, well apart from Jack who just glared at Alex.

“Thanks Alex” He mumbled, Jack was acting strange about everything right now, he was being all grumpy with Alex especially.

“Did you get hurt?” Meganne asked with actual concern in her voice while looking at Jack with her head tilted, she was visiting for the weekend which was really nice since I’d hardly had any time to talk to her since I’d moved back here.

“Not too much, just a couple of bruises” He replied while shrugging, she nodded at him before I heard Alex speak again.

“Anyway, when does the game start?” Typical of him to bring football up, every Sunday I was either dragged to Jack’s house, to the actual game or forced to watch it in my own living room, it’s not that I hated it, I just would rather I didn’t have to watch it.

“In about 20 minutes, want to order the pizza now?” Rian responded from the other side of me while reaching for his phone, after a mumble of “yeah do it now” and “I wonder how much beer we have left” everyone was now either trying to get comfy or looking for food, I on the other hand had just heard a small cry coming from Harry’s room and took this as an opportunity to get away from the game.

At just five months old Harry was progressing very fast, well according to Alex’s parents who said that he was a lazy baby and didn’t even try and sit up until he was nearly 9 months old, but Harry was already trying to sit up on his own, which was what I found him trying to do upon entering his room but in the process he had managed to hit his head.

“No baby” I cooed at him while picking him out of his crib and kissing softly on the bump, his cries got louder which made me start to panic since I figured he was in pain, rocking him gentle against my chest didn’t help, he just cried more. Sighing, I gave up and left the room to allow Alex to deal with the situation.

Once I’d entered the room, nearly everyone had glanced up and looked slightly worried at me. Alex furrowed his eyebrows before holding out his arms to take our crying child from me.

“What’s up with him? He’s only just been fed, changed and put down” He asked while staring confusedly at Harry.

“He hit his head on his crib while trying to sit up” This caused Alex to chuckle before placing kisses along the red mark on top of his head.

“Silly baby, you gotta stop growing” After a while, Harry slowly started to fall asleep in Alex’s lap and not being bothered to move him, I just curled up beside them both to watch the game.


I must have fallen asleep because I awoke with a jump as I felt something kick me in the head before hearing Alex groan and everyone else laugh, a small giggle caused me to gentle lift my head from the edge of Alex’s lap to see him trying to hold both of Harry’s legs and stop him from kicking me with them. Smiling I just tickle him under the chin which made him try and kick his legs even more and in return Alex glared at me.

“Who won?” I asked, trying to pretend that I cared.

“RAVENS” Nearly everyone yelled back with massive grins which just made me smile since they all looked so happy.

Finally after around an hour of chatting and discussing our next hang out times, everyone left and it was just me, Alex, Meganne, Jack and Harry left. I actually hadn’t noticed that Jack and Meganne had fallen asleep together until Alex nudged my waist after we finished saying goodbye.

“He likes her” Was all Alex said while leaning against my back.

“I think she likes him too” I responded with while glancing up into the brown eyes of the person I loved

“Let’s play cupid” Alex muttered before pulling me into Harry’s room to put him to bed.


“So I’ll pick you up here at about four o’clock, okay?” Alex stated while hugging me.

“Perfect, see you later” I replied before kissing his lips and turning to walk in step with Meganne, I’d decided to attempt to get my Christmas shopping out the way before everyone did theirs since I really disliked shopping in crowds.

“Baltimore is so nice, it has all these pretty lights and stuff” Meganne commented on the Christmas lights that had been put up already.

“Meganne, New York does the same stuff” I replied while pulling my coat round myself tighter, it was much colder in Baltimore for some reason.

“Yeah but not like this, New York is so much more busy than this that I don't ever get the chance to properly admire them" She replied before we entered the main high street which was jam packed with shoppers.

"So I have a question for you"

"Cool, go ahead" She replied while pushing on the door to a glitzy clothing and accessories shop which was where I was planning on buying all the girls some presents from.

"I'm going to be blunt and just say it, do you like Jack?" I asked while looking at some of the railings of clothes before feeling her eyes staring at me.

"Um, er, how do you know?" She stuttered causing me to grin.

"It's obvious, you were worried about that dumb story Alex told, you blatantly lied about the floor being more comfy than the couch because you wanted to sit with him and then you fell asleep on his shoulder" I replied while holding a red top out for her to see.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Well only to me and Alex" I stated before picking up some bracelets to send to Lily since she loved bracelets.

"I'm scared that all he wants is a fling" She muttered while looking at the floor, my heart bled for her right then.

"Well, that is why Alex is hanging out with Jack today"

"To have a fling?" This caused me to burst out laughing, she made me laugh.

"No, to find out how he feels" I said simply before heading off to pay.
♠ ♠ ♠
AND ANOTHER UPDATE. This is very fillerish, but the next chapter is linked to this and needs this detail so you'll have to deal with it ;)

So I started a new story last night, it's basically two of my old stories blended into one, so go check it out and YES it features All Time Low.

I've been ill since Wednesday and I'm finally nearly better so I'm so happy about that also if you have any questions or stuff about this you can either message me on here, or if you have a tumblr just send me an ask on there -!

Comments and feedback my loves?

EDIT: Prepare for some drama ;)