Status: DONE

I'll Keep You A Daydream Away.

Liars and Lovers.

The sun was shining down onto Harry and Alex as they sat in the back yard, enjoying some rare March sunshine. Alex had returned from his European tour, a smile across his face expecting everything to be perfect, instead he'd returned to an empty, messy home. After ringing Olivia many times, she finally picked up and informed him that she was in New York still with Meganne, Jack who had gone straight to NYC to see Meganne brought Harry back with him so that Olivia wouldn't need to come home and ruin her time away.

"Think it's about time that I stayed home for a while eh, Harry" Alex said to his child, fully knowing that he wouldn't respond but just needing to talk to someone, even if it was his baby of eight months. Sighing, Alex stood and picked up his Son and headed towards the house, deciding it was best to sort this all out now. Picking up his iPhone as he walked through the kitchen and towards the nursery, hoping to get Harry down for a couple of hours so he could chat to the band and the crew about the decisions he was going to have to make.

"Come on then buddy, time for sleep" He muttered more to himself than Harry before gently placing him into his crib and switching on the mobile to play soft sounds.


"Alex, why on earth have you called us to a meeting?" Matthew Flyzik questioned, rather annoyed about being dragged into Alex's home on a sunny day.

"I have to talk to you all" He said while pacing the living room floor, well the small space that wasn't cluttered with toys and clothes.

"Obviously" Flyzik muttered, his anger was starting to make Alex annoyed.

"Really, I'm trying to be fucking mature here and you're acting like an idiot'

"Oh what, you going to tell us you're quitting the band and that you don't want to tour because your baby is more important?"

"My baby is more important than the band, the other members of the BAND know that" Alex's emphasise on the word band caused Flyzik to glare at him. "But that is not why I called this meeting..."

"Alex?" Jack cut in, after staring at something on his phone, he wanted to stop Alex from saying whatever he was going to say.

"Hush, anyway so um I'm sure you all remember Jennifer" Various nods and grunts were heard and shown "Well, she informed me that"

"ALEX SHE'S LYING" Jack suddenly yelled, causing Alex to jump and the rest of the band and crew to stare in confusion at Jack for his sudden outburst.

"How do you know?" Alex's questioned his best friend, not believing it.

"I just do"

A sudden yell from Flyzik caused all of them to start yelling and screaming at each other, none of them noticed the door opening and the short brunette entering with her suitcase, who just stood and looked confused at the arguments unfolding in front of her, Meganne stepped into the building behind Olivia, raising her eyebrows before yelling "OI" which caught everyone's attention.

"Liv?" Alex said softly, she shrugged at this before opening her mouth and speaking.

"She was lying, Alex" A sigh left Jack's throat as Meganne glared at him in a 'shut up or I will kick you' expression.

"How do you all know this, how do I know you haven't murdered her or the baby?" Alex questioned, of all the people who Jack thought he'd believe, he assumed it would be Olivia.

"Why would I lie? She was lying and she told me, she told Meganne, she told Jack." Olivia managed to keep her voice soft and calm even if her temper was rising.

Alex shook his head before turning from everyone, collecting his phone and his car keys before stepping out the building.

"What was all that about?" Rian spoke up.

Olivia sighed before stepping into the kitchen to make everyone a drink before explaining.
♠ ♠ ♠

Honestly, I've been so busy that I haven't had any chance to sit down and write, right now I should be sleeping as I have work tomorrow but I suddenly clicked on my mibba bookmark before logging off and I got inspiration.

I wanted to get this over and done with so it's all a bit rushed, sorrryyy. I wanna move the story along, got like six more chapters left! (ish)

Sadly this is a rare chance that i'm going to get to write, college, work, social life and everything is all making me so stressed that I just don't get any inspiration to write anything..

Already writing the next chapter, it'll be up in like an hour maybe.