Status: Active! (Kinda...)

911! She's Breaking My Heart For Fun

Packing For Tour

*Amanda's P.O.V.*

I ran a hand through my long brown hair as I looked at the time. It was 8 am, well, 7:59 but big deal. Jordan was going to be here at 8:15 and I still hadn't packed my suit case.

Really, I was just throwing random items of clothing onto my bed, not even making it into the case itself, and then gathering all my makeup and hair products, including my straightener, and tossing it into the case.

"Maybe I should put my clothes in first..." I said to myself.

I pulled the beauty products out and laid them on my bed as I looked at the random clothing items scattered around. I picked up some of my skinny jeans, folding them and placing them in first. Then my many band shirts, a few tanktops, a hoodie (just in case, you never know) and then my favorite pairs of bras and panties.

I was zipping the suit case up and about to change into a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue Mayday Parade shirt when my phone went off.

I grabbed it, pressing TALK.


"Hey Mander, we'll be there in about five minutes, you're ready, right?" Jordan asked.

I smiled. "Of course. Well, no..I mean, I got my suitcase packed but I'm not ready, I still got to get dressed and do my makeup."

I heard him groan and tried not to laugh. "You always do this to me."

I laughed then. "Then stop giving me a short notice when you're going on tour."

I could tell he was smiling on the other end. "But I like giving you a short notice."

"Then don't complain when I take forever to get ready."

"Fine, we're going to stop by Starbuck's, that should give you another fifteen minutes, think you'll be ready by then?"

"I'll try. I'll see you when you get here." I said.



I tossed my phone onto the bed and slipped my skinny jeans on and then my shirt. I decided to not even bother with my hair, so I just put it up in a loose bun, and then went into the bathroom and grabbed my backup eyeliner.

I applied some light blue eyeshadow and a little lip gloss and then looked in the mirror, happy with what I was seeing.

I slipped my vans on and then grabbed my phone, stuffing it in the pocket of my skinny jeans, and grabbed my suitcase. I walked downstairs.

"Is Jordan here yet?" my mom asked me.

"Not yet. They went by Starbuck's. I'm going to wait outside for him." I said.

She smiled. "I'm going to miss you." she proceeded to give me a hug after that.

I hugged her back. "I'll miss you too, mom."

There was a honking outside that pulled us apart and to the window. The tour bus was outside, Jordan opened the doors and peered out, seeing my mom and I. He waved, we returned it. My mother looked at me then. "Be careful."

"I always am." I said.

We exchanged one last hug, said our "I love you"'s and she walked outside with me. Jordan came down the steps, taking my suitcase, just like the real gentlemen he was.

"Hello Jordan." my mom said, giving him a friendly smile.

"Hello Mrs. Weaver." Jordan said, returning the friendly smile.

"You take care of my daughter now."

"I always do."

I smiled and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before going onto the bus. Jordan and my mom had a few more words before he joined us. He took my suitcase to the back, placing it under one of the bunks.

The driver closed the doors and then started the bus up and began moving. Jordan sat down next to me. He reached over and handed me a Frappuchino.

"You remembered." I said, smiling.

"Of course." he said.

I took a sip from it and gave him the biggest smile ever.

This was going to be a fun tour.
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There's chapter 1. Hope you guys like it :D