My Dilemma

One World

Let me introduce myself. My name is Eliza Ezono. It's a weird name, I know. It's pronounced like E. Zone. Oh. But my name really doesn't suit me. It's really girly, and I hate it. So with that being said, I usually go with Echo. It's a nickname I got from my late grandpa. He said I was really loud, and I echoed a lot. And it sounds cool.

I'm really not the kind of girl that wears dresses and stuff. But sadly, because my family is cheap, they insist I wear a lot of Sarah's old clothes. Which mainly consists of dresses. And skirts. And really girly junk.

My family is extremely supportive of me. Not. They hate the fact that I'm able to sing, and play guitar slash piano, without needing lessons. I mean, my voice isn't what anyone would call fantastic, but it's not horrible. I've done a few gigs here and there.

A lot of the time, I feel like I was born into the wrong family. Everyone is so fancy and... Crap. And I'm just, well I'm just me.
Sarah and Isabelle fit in at school. They have plenty of friends and get good grades. While I have no friends, have been to three different high schools in the past month, and am currently failing every class. Except music of course. But my parents pulled me from that.
And my parents, well, they're fantastic. My mom's the average housewife. Cleaning, cooking, hating one of her children. And my dad is rarely home. I think he's cheating.

Oh, and how could I forget Toby? Toby is my dog. Well technically, he's the family dog. But he hates them all basically, which I find funny. He's like a mini me. He's also my only friend. I've tried making human friends at school, but when you constantly switch schools, and have a sister that spreads rumors about you, it's hard. There's only one school that hasn't been messed with yet, and I've been begging my parents to let me go. I even promised to get good grades.

But like I said, they hate me and don't want me to be happy. So I doubt it's gonna happen. Unless I get kicked out of my current school. Or rebel.

And rebel it is.

"Mom! Dad! I'm not going to school today!" I shouted down the stairs loudly, making sure everyone heard. And it's obvious that they did, because instantly, you can hear a chair move back and feet walking towards the stairs.

"Yes you are Eliza!" My mom ordered, putting her hands on her hips. I laughed to myself lightly.

"It's Echo mom. Eliza is such a stupid name!" I said, pushing my hair back only to have it fall into my face again.

"Your name is Eliza, get used to it." She said. I crossed my arms over my chest, staring her down. She mimiced me, but eventually sighed, giving up.

"We'll transfer you to that school you wanted. J K L High or whatever it was." She said, her tone annoyed. It was obvious she didn't care. She never did. I think the only time she ever cared is when I was the youngest. But the day I turned five, she stopped caring.

"Thank you." I muttered, walking downstairs. I slid a feather extension into my hair and joined my family at the breakfast bar. Everyone was eating waffles with breakfast sausages and other various items. I grabbed a peach and ate that. The sweet juices ran down my chin and onto the table.

"Eliza! Use a napkin!" Isabelle scolded me just like our mom would have. She was definitely our mothers daughter.

"No, I'd rather not." I smirked, loving to agitate her. She looked up at out mom and pointed to me.

"Mom! She's not listening to me!" She complained like the baby she is. I rolled my eyes, and stood up.

"Whatever. Just give me my transcript, and I'll leave." I said, holding my hand out. My mom put the stack of various papers into my hand, then cautiously gave me my car keys. I grabbed my black backpack that had music notes all over it, and walked outside.

"When will you be home?" Sarah asked, applying lip gloss. I stopped and looked at her.

"Whenever I want." I said, unlocking my car. She rolled her eyes.

"Be home by six. I have a party to go to, and I need a ride." She said. I ignored her and got in my car. "Did you hear me?" She shouted as I backed out. She was still screaming something to me when I drove down the street.

Finally, away from that place. And to my new safe haven, J K L High.
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LALALALALA. I don't care that I'm starting another story. xD I'm deleting one, so it balances out anyways.

Comments please? ^__^
Also, I wanna know who your favorite youtuber is! :D :D

-Ashley Dawn