My Dilemma

Changin' Me

It occurred to me last night that no one bothered to change into their pajamas. Or anything. Everyone just slept in their jeans, shirts and hoodies. I think Joey might have slept with his shoes too, cause I have a shoe mark on my leg now.

I quietly got up, looking at the time. I had time to shower, and so did everyone else. I grabbed some towels from the hall closet, and went into the bathroom. I showered quickly after brushing my teeth, and got out. I wrapped a towel around myself and dried off before getting dressed. This shirt was a joke from my family, which was true at the time. But I liked the shirt, it was nerdy.

I dried my hair a little, but it did nothing. It was still dripping a little bit. But I needed to get my blow dryer from my bedroom, and I still needed to wake up someone else to shower so we could be ready in time. I walked into my bedroom, and went over to the mass of blankets, pillows, and people. I debated on who I should wake up. Well Joey was really tired, so I guess he could sleep a bit longer. And Brittany was in the middle, and was harder to get to. So I guess Luke.

I walked over to him and knelt down before shaking him gently. I could tell he was awake now, because he shut his eyes tightly. "Luke, time to get up." I said quietly. He opened his eyes instantly then relaxed.

"I forgot I slept over. I thought you were some crazy person." He teased. I smirked.

"Aww, you're so nice to the person that was going to make you breakfast. Get your ass up." I hit him with my pillow. He chuckled.

"Sorry." He sat up. "Ahh, your hair's getting me wet. Does this count as a shower?" He grinned. I smiled at his adorableness.

"You don't have to shower. I thought you wanted to is all." I stood up straight. He got up too, and shook the few water droplets from his hair.

"Nah, I'll shower. I'll just wear this against today." He shrugged. I nodded and walked out of my room.

"When you're done, just wake up Brittany or Joey, whoever." I said, handing him some towels and a washcloth. He took them and went into the bathroom. I went upstairs and walked into the kitchen. Mom was there with Isabelle and Sarah. No dad, again.

"How was your sleepover?" Sarah asked, not really caring. Or listening probably. I grabbed some stuff from the cabinets and the waffle iron.

"We had sex all night long. How do you think it went?" I asked, mixing everything together. I started making waffles, and getting some berries out, along with a few bananas, oranges, and peaches. I chopped everything up, and set the berries in one bowl, bananas in one, oranges in one and peaches in another. I got out whipped cream, and poured that into a bowl too before whipping it with a whisk.

"They're not coming home after school, right?" Mom asked. I looked over at her as I made more waffles.

"I don't know. Why?" I asked, putting the cooked ones on plates. I popped a few pieces of fruit into my mouth.

"Well it's family movie night." She said. I watched her.

"It's what? Since when?" I asked, getting out glasses, forks, and knives.

"For the past year. We just never invited you cause you weren't cool enough. But now you are." Sarah shrugged. I glared at her.

"You guys have got to be kidding me. Wow, this family blows." I said, putting the dirty dishes in the sink. Luke came upstairs, as did Joey. I'm guessing he wasn't going to shower.

"Eliza, language." Mom said. I handed the guys their plates and set the bowls on the table.

"It's Echo." I said, getting some juice and milk out. I set them on the table as well.

"It doesn't say Echo on your birth certificate." She said. I shrugged a little, taking a bite of my breakfast.

"It does behind my ear." I said. My mom, along with Sarah and Isabelle dropped whatever they were holding. Oh right. They didn't know about my tattoo.

"Behind your ear?!" My mom shouted, moving my hair to the side so she could double check. She gasped, covering her mouth when she say the tiny tattoo. "Your father is going to hear about this!" She said. I shrugged, eating another piece of waffle.

"This is way better than tv." Joey piped up. I giggled.

"Try living with them for a week." I said after I took a sip of my raspberry juice.

"No thanks. I like being sane." He teased. I smirked as Brittany came upstairs, fully dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt. She sat beside me and ate her breakfast after thanking me.

I watched my mom as she called my dad in a panic. It was amusing to me to watch her freak out. "She has a tattoo!" She shouted over and over. I checked my phone.

"Should we leave soon?" I asked, glancing at Luke. His hair was still kind of wet. He looked at the time and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." He stood up, taking his plate to the sink. Joey and Brittany followed his lead. I grabbed some containers and tossed Joey my keys.

"Start it up, I'll be right out." I said, grabbing paper bags. I filled four small containers with the remaining fruit, then put them in the bags along with water bottles, pre-made subs, and granola bars. I ran outside and got in my car, sitting in the back with Luke. I gave everyone a bagged lunch.

"What are we, six?" Joey kidded, putting it on the seat beside him.

"You act like it." I smirked, grabbing my schedule to check again. I was seeing who I shared classes with. We all had film studies together, then Luke, Jimmy and I had music. Brittany and I shared art, and Meghan, Jimmy, Luke and I shared photography and then last was English, which I shared with Ingrid. I think I got along better with Joey, Luke and Brittany, and sometimes Jimmy. Meghan was fine, but vlogged a lot so it was hard to see if we could be really good friends. And Ingrid, well... I think we can deal with each other.

Joey drove us to school while the rest of us played I Spy. We only got through two rounds of it before we arrived. Joey parked, and everyone got out.

I followed them into the school, thinking a little bit. Joey and Brittany were best friends, Jimmy and Meghan were too it seemed. Sometimes I thought they were dating. And then Luke and Ingrid. I think Ingrid liked Luke, which kinda sucked cause I think I do too. But she was here first, and all that jazz.

Oh snap, I like Luke.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who thought that she liked Joey? :P

Comments? ^__^

-Ashley Dawn