Status: KEEP OR KILL????

In The Land Of The Sunflowers


He made me feel special, know one else had ever treated me like he did. He was kind and sweet, he always cared about me. The problem was that he was my teacher, and I was only 16. Even with that he became more…what’s the word controlling. We would email all the time, he asked if we could date and couldn’t believe someone would want to date I freaked out and said yes! We went on a certain schedule, he would email or text me at 10:00 and we would just said sweet thing about each other, then he started asking me to go to his house. For some reason the thought of going to his house made me feel weird I started having second thoughts. He made me feel guilty, saying that he was really looking forward for me to come. So I felt like I had to, The first few night at his house were cool, all we’d do was watch movies it was cool. As long I get some homework done, my mom was okay, she never suspected anything. One night he kissed me; he pushed my down deep in the couch and kissed me! It was my first ever kiss, and it was so exciting, he started to run his hands under my shirt. That’s when I told him to stop, and he listened which made me think he really cared. Despite that though I was still a little shook from what happened so I didn’t go to his house for awhile. He would text me saying that I didn’t real love him, that if I really wanted this relation ship to work, I would have to ‘have sex with him’. I told him I just wasn’t comfortable, and that was that. He kept pushing though, and I eventfully gave in because I felt bad. It was awful, he wasn’t sweet and nice like the way he treated me, he was rough and mean he kept calling me names and hitting me. After we were done I ran home I texted him and told I was done. He then sent me the text that changed my life. He said that if I didn’t do what he said he would tell the Principle, he saw me drinking on school ground, he said he would tell the teacher he didn’t think I should be in this school anymore, I was a bad influence. I was scared I didn’t want to be embarrassed like that. So I said okay. That’s when things really went down hill, he would tell me what to were to school, like were the shortest shorts you have or come to school in a skirt with out underwear. I didn’t anymore friends I was to busy with him, all the time. It wasn’t until I was pregnant that I finally confessed to my counselor. And that’s when my mom couldn’t even look me in the eye, or talk to me. But I needed her help I had a baby coming soon.
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