She Is Love... She Is War...

Chapter 1

"Miss Adelle Fields, I see that Mr. Jenkins here wants to file for custody of your seven year old, Destiny Fields. Obviously, since you aren't wed and are actively in the Marines, you are seen as an unfit mother. While Mr. Jenkins on the other hand is finacially secure and engaged to be wed." The Judge spoke. "Your honor, I know that I am an unfit mother, according to law, but I am the best thing for my child. He isn't he only wants her because I love her and he wants to take away everything I love." I spoke, tears threatening to slither down my cheeks. I held them in, soldiers don't cry. "Blasphemy! Your Honor, do you really believe this, this-" My daughters father, Wade, said, looking at me disgustingly. It was his English accent that trapped me with him. I've always regretted that day when I met him, but never the fact that he gave me my little angel. I turned my head slightly, glaring hardly at the man I thoguht I loved. Over the years I've developed that Army Glare, the only expression I wear on my face unless I'm with mi angelita Destiny. "Your honor, please do not let this man take my child. He doesn't want her. He doesn't love her." I said, voice cracking. The Judge sighed heavily, looking at me over to top of his glasses. "I'm sorry. Unless you're married or have a stable living environment for her, I can't let you keep her." He said. "I'm getting married!" I blurted, not thinking about what I was doing. "Who the in the bloody hell would marry you?" Wade said, sliding to the edge of his seat to look at the side of my face. "Well, I guess we'll have to get him into this before we go any further. You are dismissed." The judge said, shooing us. I smiled inwardly as I stood, flattening out my uniform and walked towards the door, slipping on my hat. "Adelle!" The English accent called to me.
"What? I have to go pick up my daughter." I said, emphasizing 'my'. "Our daughter. I mean, she is mine too. Or where you too busy whoring around on the base?" Wade said, spinning me around. I caught his arm and bent it behind his back. "Don't fucking touch me!" I growled in his ear, throwing him to the side as I entered my black Lambo, the car I got for my last birthday from my best friend, and obvious my fiance...