Status: I love comments so much lol please enjoy

A Little Piece of Heaven

Awake and Alive

I never figured out who Gave was talking about, simply because I was dropped off into a bedroom just about as soon as we walked through the door. But I was still in hearing range of the, though I did close my eyes to make it look like I had fallen asleep again. But in all realty I was to scared to sleep just yet, I had to hear the guy say that this is a fixable situation.

“Gave, what have you done to your girl?” A voice questioned, and then I heard the bedroom door open again. It was kind of quiet, and so was their voices. My ears strained to hear everything, but they seemed worried to wake me up. “Who is this?”

I heard Matt shift from across the room. “Oh, that’s just her boyfriend, they never last anyway. She was shot twice, and I’m not supposed to be anywhere near her so I was wondering if you could help her.”

The man snorted back a laugh. “Of course I can help her, I’m a genius. Besides, gun shots are common so I’ve had practice.”

That was all I needed to hear, so after that I allowed myself to fall asleep. It was nice to feel like I could trust myself to wake up, maybe this time I would wake up to a painless body. That would be nice, I would appreciate it.

(The Next Morning)

Someone screaming angry words at someone woke me up, scaring me a little bit. Who ever was next to me jumped awake as well, leaning up into a sitting position. My eyes wondered over to find Matt sitting up on a couch from across the room. His brown hair was sticking every which way and his eyes had bags underneath them, when he seen I was watching him he grabbed his hat and shoved it on his head.

“Hey.” He smiled, standing up to walk over to me. I smiled back at him and moved over a little so he could sit at my side. “How are you feeling?”

He sat down and kissed my forehead. “Better then I did yesterday, what are they arguing about?”

“You, the guy who helped you wants you to stay here because he doesn’t think it’s a good idea for you to travel. But Gave is trying to talk him into letting you go, I really don’t want to leave you here.” Matt smiled and then leaned over to kiss me gently, I kissed back and smiled against his lips. “You’ve been scaring me for the past couple days, it was quite rude.” He pulled away and chuckled a little bit.

I smiled a little bit bigger and stared into his dreamy brown eyes which were full of a tired look. Honesty, I did feel bad for worrying him, its was quite rude of me. But how could I help from dying like that? He just barely got me here in time, if it had been an hour longer I’m sure I would be in a casket now.

“I’m sorry, I was just a little under the weather.” I joked, lifting my hand to hold his soft cheek for a moment. To me it still looked like he was in a delusion, like he still thought I was bleeding to death in the RV.

He frowned a little bit and leaned into my head. “Your sarcasm is irrelevant, I don’t think I have ever been so worried about anyone. It was a horrid sight Miss Evy, I had to sit in here while he cut into you. He didn’t trust me enough to sit outside the room, plus he claimed it was my fault.”

That is when my mind began to wander, what really happened when I was out? “What did he do to me?”

“He opened up those wounds again and dug around in them, it wasn’t a surprise to me that he found fragments of the bullets. He found out that it had just nicked one of your lungs, and that was why you couldn’t breath. That is also why you were spitting out blood, which he had been quite surprised about. He told me that you were lucky to survive the shot, let alone the past couple days. Because of that one shot he had to perform some type of surgery, but I wasn’t really paying attention during that part. I just pretended that I wasn’t going to puke. Then he drugged you up and you have been passed out for about twelve hours, but it was a relief seeing you sleep peacefully and not have to struggle for breath.” Matt leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead once more, this time he stayed there fore a moment. Moving his hand up to stroke my sticky hair.

I giggled a little bit and only felt my chest ache with the intake of so much air. “Well thanks for being here.” I stretched my arms out a little, feeling really dirty all of a sudden. “Pish, I can’t wait to take a shower.”

He chuckled and then sat up, stretching himself. “I enjoy that you think that you’ll be able to hold yourself up in the shower, I’m sorry to break the news to you.”

I frowned and leaned my head back on the pillow. “Really?”

“Ya.” He stood up this time and stretched some more. “I’ll figure out something though, there’s no need to let you get stinky.”

“Ew.” I whined, but I knew it wasn’t his fault so we couldn’t really do anything about I. It wouldn’t ever blame him or anyone else in the band for something that happened to me, it wasn’t their fault.

“EVY!” Gave’s voice suddenly screamed in excitement, both Matt and I jumped. Gave ran into the room looked completely happy. I swear he almost body slammed me, I was smothered in wet kisses and I had to whine in protests to get him to stop. “Thank god you’re awake.”

“What has gotten into you?” I whined, pushing him away. Matt looked like he was thinking the same thing, I swear two weeks ago he was trying to kill me again.

“Nothing, it was just the feeling of loosing you again I guess.” He sighed, sitting back and looking down at my chest which was wrapped in pure white gauze. I rolled my eyes a little bit, knowing that he was acting crazy. He’s never told me that he cared for me, but I never really felt like he cared. I guess my suspicions are true then, he has really acted as my family.

“Can you get her out of here?” Matt hummed, walking over to the window and glancing outside. When I watched as well I noticed that the RV was parked out front. Syn and Zachy were sitting outside with a grill and Johnny was sitting on the steps wearing big headphones and singing along to whatever he was listening to. “We’re running behind and I think Syn is getting antsy.”

“He broke at one more check up, so we’ll leave in twenty minutes tops.” Gave promised just as soon as that man walked in the room again. After that I was poked and prodded once more and then drugged up. The last thing I remember was Matt demanding to take me home.
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Sorry it took me so long, I had to go shopping for the school dance thingy and compleatly forgot to post thig