Status: I love comments so much lol please enjoy

A Little Piece of Heaven


I sat across from the girl as she glared me down. It was clear that she was pissed about being here, and if I was catching the right drift she didn’t want me anywhere near her either. For all I know she let herself be taken so she could get to me, she could be working under Rose’s orders and we would be none the wiser. What is Syn trying to do? Why does he want this poor girl here?

She shifter a little, her hand cuffs clanking against the table. The only way Matt would let me in here was under he conditions that she was handcuffed to the leg of the table. Because of this she had to be hunched down in her chair in a very uncomfortable position. At one point she even rested her red haired head onto the table and groaned to herself, something about this stupid place.

After about twenty minutes it became clear that she wasn’t going to start the conversation so I but the bullet and did. My breath sounded kind of shaky simply because I was scared she was going to start yelling at me. I hate being yelled at, I can’t handle it.

I took a deep breath and sighed a little. “Why don’t you want to stay here?” I whispered, it was a little quieter then I meant it to be but I couldn’t really help that.

She snorted a little but then raised her head, glairing at me with her dark brown eyes. “Because Rose told me what happened, what you did.”

I was taken back a little bit out of shock. My back straightened and I looked at her with my own glair. “What exactly did she say that I did?”

She snorted a little and raised her voice. “You killed Rev.”

“Excuse me?” I snapped, straightening my back a little bit more. “I did no such thing, I think if anyone should be accused of killing him it should be you. You left him, I didn’t even know him.”

Her glair on me grew then she snarled at me. “You have no idea what happened!”

I found myself mentally rolling my eyes. How could she be so stubborn. We were offering to protect her from Rose and she was basically spitting in my face. Not only that but she was accusing me of murder. Wasn’t it her and her so called friends that shot me, and kidnapped all the other girls that the guys had taken.

“No, I don’t. Which should be proof to you that I never hurt him. If you stay here I’m sure they would take you to his grave, come on you can’t tell me you want to go back to Rose. From all that I’ve heard, she has been making you do these things. Don’t you want to be free, you can have a normal life again. Its not like we are going to hurt you, they want to help and I have no reason to do anything to you.” I placed a hand on my heart, trying to show her that I meant what I was saying. It doesn’t matter to me whether she stays of goes, but it matters to Matt so I’m going to fight for it.

Her glair stopped a little and she leaned back. I saw the hurt in her eyes and the sadness written all over her face. She tugged against the hand cuffs a little bit and when she didn’t break free she stopped, leaving the sound of the chain clinking echoing through the room.

“Are they going to lock me up?” She mumbled, hanging her head a little bit. “They locked me up the first time, I was in a steal closet for a few days.” I flinched at the memory of being in that closet myself, it was when Syn put the tracking device in me. I found myself looking down between my fingers and rubbing against the scar for a few seconds.

“I was put in there to, but no they won’t. Maybe they will lock you in a regular bedroom for a couple days just until they know they can trust you, but that’s it.” I promised, looking up at her big brown eyes and seeing them filling with tears.

“I’m so angry with myself.” She whimpered. “I could’ve been there for him, he died a week after I left. I can’t help but feel responsible. Maybe if I was here I would’ve been able to help, I broke his heart.”

I found myself begin to play with my hair. Promising myself that I would never leave Matt. “Its not your fault, but if you don’t mind me asking….what made you leave?”

She groaned a little and slammed her head back onto the table, starting to cry really hard. “I just wanted him to chase me, I didn’t think he would really l-let me go! I was just so scared!”

Before I knew what I was doing I was over to her hugging her and begging her to stop crying. I just felt so bad that she had to talk about this. If that happened to me I don’t know what I would do. The worst part was that just a couple days ago I left Matt for the same thing. What would’ve I done if he didn’t chase me?

After about twenty minutes of soothing her she finally stopped sobbing and trembling in my arms. I swear she even leaned into my embrace for comfort. I felt better when she stopped crying, even though I probably didn’t I felt like I helped her.

“What’s you’re name, are you Evy?” She mumbled. I nodded a little, not letting go of her just yet. “I’m Scarlett.” I nodded once more and we stayed like that until Matt came to get me, and when he did he looked extremely relived.
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Sorry it took me so long, school started and i went and got sick lol DON'T SHARE DRINKS WITH PEOPLE!