Status: Just starting....Maybe slow. I have two other stories in progress.:-)

Against Hosptial Rules

Chapter Four: Holy Macaroni!

After she changed into a pair of blue jeans -declining a pair of comfy gym shorts that were just a little too short. Who knows what he’d do?- a a loose floral shirt.
She didn’t say she couldn’t look cute.
She ran a brush through her hair, neglecting make-up.
Grabbing her keys, she went out the door locking it behind her.
Here I go, she thought.

*30-45 Minutes Later*

“Where have you been?” Rick demanded.
Haileigh sighed. “There was a wreck on 94. The clean-up crews were just getting there when I arrived.”
“Fine, because I know that for a fact, then you are free.”
So glad you think I was lying, Dick. I mean Rick. Haileigh thought sarcastically.
She grabbed the tray labeled 218 and headed to the room, kind of dreading the next minutes of her life.
She knocked on the door and waited for Sexy Pervert to bide her in.
When she walked in, Sexy Pervert’s eyes lit up.
“Geez, these hospitals are pus- I mean wussies when it comes to someone calling the administrator.” he said with a smirk.
Haileigh didn’t comment, not wanting to get fired.
“Ok, sweet cheeks, bring me that food.” Which, by the way, he sounded like a sexist pig when he said it.
Haileigh rolled her eyes.
He grinned when she did.
She sighed and set the food tray on the rolling tray.
After she pushed it to where it was setting over him, she turned to leave.
“Uh uh sweetheart, you ain’t leavin’ ‘til I finish.”
Haileigh turned to glare at him.
“And why do I have to stay while you eat? It’s my off day and you made me come all the way out here, so why do I have to stay?” She let the anger show in her voice.
“Because I said so, honey.” He said persuasively.
She didn’t know if it was the tone of voice, or the way he said it, but she suddenly wanted to kiss him, to lay beside him, to…
What the heck? Haileigh thought, stunned at where her mind was heading.
She jerked her gaze to meet his, only to see him looking as stunned as she was.
“What the hell, sweetheart? How were you able to….?” He broke off, clamping his mouth back together quickly.
“How was I able to what?” She asked him, suspicious.
“Well ok, jerkwad, you can eat by yourself.”
She turned to leave only to run into a male chest.
Her gaze shot up to meet the stranger’s ( who looked a whole lot like sexy pervert, but somehow less attractive to her) just in time to see him close the door behind him.
Then he shot the bolt home.
Holy macaroni!
♠ ♠ ♠
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