Status: Just starting....Maybe slow. I have two other stories in progress.:-)

Against Hosptial Rules

Chapter Six: Superhuman kidnappers.

*SP’s POV in 1st person for better prospective*

“Is she…?” I asked my Beta, Alex.
He was looking down at his mate with adoration, almost forgetting to nod my way.
Two mates with one hospital.
I let my gaze wander to my mate in my arms, her eyes sadly gazing at her friend.
Her expression said clearly, “I’m sorry.”
Her friend just nodded back as though saying, “It’s fine. We will be alright.”
My darling little mate just continued to look sad.
I hated doing this to her, but it’s the only way I can keep her.
No matter at the cost she was coming with me.
I decided to break the I’m-about-to-be-kidnapped tension and spoke.
“Well ladies, it seems like you are both coming with us.”
I really didn’t expect it when my mate rammed her head into my chin (which hurt by the way) apparently trying to escape and knocked herself out.
I winced.
“Damn.” I muttered. I can’t believe she just knocked herself out.
Suddenly, I heard an “Oomph!” from my Beta and looked up.
He still had his arms around his mate, but one of his hands was lifted toward his mouth and he was sucking the blood from it.
My mate’s friend had a smirk on her face, then she shot me a glare.
“Hurt her, and you will be castrated VERY SLOWLY before I rip your head off VERY SLOWLY. Do you UNDERSTAND me?” For such a little person, the venom in her voice sent a poison through the air.
“I couldn’t hurt her.” I couldn’t really.
I might as well rip my own heart out if I did, it would be less painful.
“See that you don’t.” She replied, the coldness fading slightly from her voice.
Alex just stared at her.
I like this girl.
I was curious now, what was my mate’s name?
“Hey, what’s her name?” I directed at her friend.
Alex wanted to growl at me but me being the alpha, he knew better.
“Haileigh. H-A-I-L-E-I-G-H Jameson.” She replied.
I’ve never heard it spelled that way.
I like it.
“You ready to go, Jadyne?” Alex asked, clearly impatient to try to get some “alone time“ with his mate.
“Yep.” I swooped my mate into my arms, Alex doing the same and we were off.
Out the window.

*Haileigh’s original POV*

Haileigh came to about the time they dropped from the window.
Oh my God. I’m going to die. She thought.
She grabbed on to SP’s shirt for dear life, snuggling her head into his chest so she wouldn’t have to see her own violent death.
I will die a happy girl. She thought. He smells delicious.
She knows, he’s kidnapping her! Well, she was about to die anyway, let her at least have this thought!
About that time, she heard a THUMP!
She looked down to find out they were on solid ground!
Oh, no. I’ve been kidnapped by a superhuman. Haileigh thought.
Just another day in the life of me…
♠ ♠ ♠
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