Status: Just starting....Maybe slow. I have two other stories in progress.:-)

Against Hosptial Rules

Chapter Eight: Naked Men

Haileigh was really mad at herself as she enjoyed his kiss.
He was kidnapping her for goodness sake!
So in an attempt to save her pride (what was left of it anyway), she kneed him in the groin.
You know how well that work out?
Not well.
He fell to the ground as expected.
He cupped himself.
He groaned.
He growled.
And he turned into a giant wolf.
That was NOT supposed to happen.

*Jadyne’s POV*

Shit, that hurt! And his wolf, recognizing that he was in pain, pushed itself forward to protect him.
Yeah, great work that did.
She looked at him like he was psycho.
He tried to talk to her, but all that came out was bark.
I am such a loser. He thought.
She kind of stayed wide-eyed, and a small gasp came from her lips.
In an attempt of bravado, she spoke.
“Ok, I have gotten kidnapped by a werewolf. Isn’t this just peachy?” He let out a small chuckle which came out as a sharp bark at her comment.
To his wolf, she was even more beautiful.
He just wanted to kiss her until her nothing but passion were in her eyes, until she molded her body against his, until….
Whoa there buddy! He told himself.
He forced his wolf back into submission so he would change.
Her eyes widened even more when he stood naked in front of her.
Her cheeks flushed scarlet.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, that you had to find out like that.” He rubbed his hand on the back of his head sheepishly.
“It’s alright.” She replied, still too shy to look at him.
“Haileigh, will you at least look at me?”
“I would, but I am not really comfortable with naked men.” She replied.
“You better get used to this naked man at least sweetheart.” He said, his voice turning husky at the thought of him being the only man that she sees naked.
Her eyes flashed up to meet his.
“And why is that?” Though the words were not threatening, her tone of voice was.
“Because, you are my mate, sweet cheeks.”
And he could only stare in amazement as Haileigh was swept from right in front of him into thin air.
♠ ♠ ♠
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