Got Pride

I'm Not A Lesbian But My Girlfriend Is

“Did you get the tickets?”

I looked up at the inquirer and smiled. “Of course I promised I would.” Frankie bit her lip quietly thinking. I could tell she was nervous. Hell, I was pretty nervous too. “Did they say anything?” I shook my head.

“I don’t think they put two and two together.” She looked a less worried and went over to the lunch line to get some food. I looked at my own meal, vegetarian and as healthy as it gets.

What are the tickets we are talking about? Simple, Prom tickets. I know that it is a stupid ritual made basically encourage young marriages and hasty procreation, but she wanted to go. I can’t tell her no. It’s just one of my weaknesses.

Why are we so nervous about going? Well, if you haven’t guessed yet, were both girls. And bringing a same-sex date is not something looked very kindly on by the student body. Who am I kidding; our school is filled with homophobic assholes. We get yelled at for just holding hands. What are they going to think of two girls slow dancing, or even kissing. God, this is going to be a nightmare.

She walked back with her tray loaded with junk food. I scrunched my nose and went back to eating my veggie burger. She didn’t have any meat; she gave that up once we started dating out of respect but I couldn’t make her give up the junk food. That would be too mean.

“Have you picked something to wear yet?” She asked, sitting down across the table from me. She looked so cute. Her hair was sorta sticking up in the back, and her eyeliner was smudged. I just had to smooth her hair out. As I reached over the lunch table, I heard a soft whisper that sounded a lot like “dyke” come from across the room. I looked around and saw some of the kids two tables over smirking. I started to get up, ready for a fight but she grabbed my wrist. “Leave them alone, your arm is just starting to heal.” I smiled, knowing she was right. They aren’t worth it.

“Well, have you?”

Then, like an answer to my prayer Joe, Kelly, Ryan, Nickie and Hannah sat down. Joe automatically reached out to steal some of Frankie chips. She laughed and brushed his hand away. I offered him some of my veggie crisps but he looked at them in disgust. “How do you kiss her with her mouth all veggie crisp-y tasting?” He asked Frankie. She giggled and smiled. They were fine with our relationship once they figured out that we truly love each other. In the words of Nickie ”Who the fuck am I to stand between love?”

I still hadn’t answered her question. I had no idea. Should I wear a tux? A dress. Possibly a dressy tux. She knew I was avoiding the question when I started to make small talk with the guys. She leaned over and whispered “We’ll go shopping soon.”
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